Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

AS: unity or AS: Rogue?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Which of these two games are you going to get? While Unity hasn't fared well with gamers or critiques, Rogue has done quite well garnering really good review scores. What do you think of these games?


Active Member
Rogue has such a better premise, and Unity is more of the same, except it's apparently a glitchy mess. I'm not getting either game, but I'd choose Rogue in a heartbeat.


I think you meant AC. Yeah looking at how broken and horrible Unity is, I'd go with rogue's PC release. But I'll never pre order so I'm waiting for the PC reviews to hit before making my decision.


I think you meant AC. Yeah looking at how broken and horrible Unity is, I'd go with rogue's PC release. But I'll never pre order so I'm waiting for the PC reviews to hit before making my decision.
I am dong the same ting after seeing what they did with AC: Unity I am never pre-ordering any Uisoft game again.