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Are you still "able" to play old games?

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I figured something out some time ago. I can hardly play most of the old titles because they are too plain and not very complex. I have whole different standards nowadays and beside of some all-time classics like Mario Bros. I just can't enjoy those old games anymore. At least not when I play them alone.

Do any of you know that feeling?


My issue is that I really dislike old graphics.

On Halo Anniversary, you can set the graphics back to their originals from the first game with the click of a button. It's a cool feature but it really shows you how much games have changed and revolutionised. I really struggle to enjoy playing games with ragged edges and horrible pixelated art now.


I can definitely play all my old school games from NES and onwards. Though, it's more of a "it's raining and you're at the cottage" kind of affair. When you've been gaming for 25 years plus, it's about respecting where we've come from and appreciating the changes.


You think the games of yesteryear were less complex than the games of today? Take a look at some of the older RPG games on PS1 and reconsider. You practically needed a degree in math to play them without grinding, and a degree in literature to understand their narratives.


The only old game still being played today is Super Mario. That game is available on Wii console and it is still entertaining as always.


You think the games of yesteryear were less complex than the games of today? Take a look at some of the older RPG games on PS1 and reconsider. You practically needed a degree in math to play them without grinding, and a degree in literature to understand their narratives.
It depends. After all you can just do more in most modern games. In nearly every way.


Well, look at sports games for example. You have more moves, more abilities, everything is more detailled.

Plattformer were 2D back then with not much else happening that just jumping around. Today's plattformers have more puzzles, more different enemies, you gotta figure out more things and so on.


Well, look at sports games for example. You have more moves, more abilities, everything is more detailled.

Plattformer were 2D back then with not much else happening that just jumping around. Today's plattformers have more puzzles, more different enemies, you gotta figure out more things and so on.
In general they are just more entertaining and challenging to play these days.

Old games are great for a bit of nostalgia, but that's about it for me.
You think the games of yesteryear were less complex than the games of today? Take a look at some of the older RPG games on PS1 and reconsider. You practically needed a degree in math to play them without grinding, and a degree in literature to understand their narratives.

That's not really true. If anything, the dialogue and narratives of older RPGs were really weak. Look at how Square updated Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre for the PSP; both games have significantly better dialogue than the originals. Some games still hold up, like Final Fantasy 6, but that tends to be the exception.

Racer X


I really can't play Sonic the Hedgehog(the very first one) because there's no spin dash. Sonic without spin dash isn't Sonic. It's just terrible.

So yeah, there are some older games with nuances that I only appreciated as a kid and that started to suck to me as newer, more modern versions were released.

On the flip side of what you asked: there are old games that I literally can't play anymore. I used to be unbeatable in Mortal Kombat.. I played it recently and sucked so bad it felt like I was the one getting my soul stolen instead of Sub Zero. lol


Well, I do remember the graphics being a lot better, but as long as they are working, they are still fun. Lemmings, Rock Raiders - I did remember Dangerous Dave being much more fun, honestly, but its still a classic for me.
I'm not going to lie, I can't handle old game graphics initially. It feels like it's actually hurting my eyes going from a game like Metal Gear Solid 4 to a game like Final Fantasy 8. But once I get used to the old graphics and playing style, I find myself enjoying the game and I cant get sick of it.


Honestly no. What stays in the past should stay in the past. Your brain thinks that certain game was so fun and amazing, but when you actually get to playing it you get bored really quick since you already played it and know how it goes.


I can definitely play all my old school games from NES and onwards. Though, it's more of a "it's raining and you're at the cottage" kind of affair. When you've been gaming for 25 years plus, it's about respecting where we've come from and appreciating the changes.
Yeah I agree man can forget them Sega days at all or them NES days.


New Member
I think there are games that hold up really well.. It's all about simple gameplay. Mario kart on the super nintendo as well as super tennis are still really fun games. Micro machines 2 was one of (and in my opinion still is) the best party games ever. Any Zelda game is still awesome and not to forget the original Tetris.

Ghost Rider

Though I commonly dislike playing 8-bit games on my quad core mobile device, I still find it very entertaining when I play retro games using an emulator on my PC. I play these old games for nostalgic purposes. It reminds me of the days gone by. It reminds me of what I used to be and how much I have changed.


Well-Known Member
The ones that I found that hold up well to the test of time are the simplest games that rely more on mechanics than charm. A good example I could think of right off the bat would be Bomberman. Since the mechanics are already very good in itself, and even good enough not to have to change drastically through the past decade, so the older versions pretty much play just like the newer ones, just with less quality in graphics, which I don't really pay much attention to anyway. So yes, I am able to play older games, but I'm a lot more selective now than when I was younger.