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How addicted are you to GTA games? I for know know that I am really addicted to this game. I need the fix to keep myself calm and composed. What about you/


New Member
I used to be addicted to SA when the 1st time I played it I remember if I was not in school or studying I was playing SA, but since then I play them from time to time just for fun because once you beat the game 100% their is not to much stuff you can do besides going on a killing spree.


New Member
I think I am GTA addicted, I still play even the older versions of the game that I have because they're all so good and have so much to do that I don't get bored with them.

Not Grump

New Member
Not like I used to be. I notice my gameplay has dwindled this week. I played a decent amount last week, but this weekend and this week I'm focusing on college work. I have no interest to play anyways, still haven't beaten it fully either, weird huh?


I have ben a TA lover for all my life. I am absolutely in love with this series. Started playing it when I was a kid and now I am 20 and still love this series.


I am 100% addicted and can spend hours playing Deathmatch. Actually, I haven't played much Deathmatch now that V is out because I just assume that everyone is on there. Ugh, I feel so lost without live right now. I hate broke problems. I am addicted because a whole weekend inside with Niko Bellic sounds like the best weekend ever.


I am 100% addicted and can spend hours playing Deathmatch. Actually, I haven't played much Deathmatch now that V is out because I just assume that everyone is on there. Ugh, I feel so lost without live right now. I hate broke problems. I am addicted because a whole weekend inside with Niko Bellic sounds like the best weekend ever.

I have not been a big multiplayer fan in GTA games, but this one has nailed it. The only issue is that you can't get into the online just yet. They are still sorting out few problems. I was able to get into the game once and found it hella fun.


New Member
I am addicted. I play the game after work for about two to three hours. I tend to deviate off of the missions and just do random violent stuff by myself to blow off steam. This game acts as a virtual punching bag.


New Member
I'm completely addicted to all GTA games. GTA5 seems like one of the best installments to me. I just can't put it down.

Also, the online is spectacular! They definitely put a lot into getting that aspect right. I have a feeling I will be holding on to this game for some time to come.


New Member
The first time a played Liberty City. I was attached even addicted to it. My mother would all the time shout at me to get my room fixed. If I did not she would cut the plug. I can remember it now.


The first time a played Liberty City. I was attached even addicted to it. My mother would all the time shout at me to get my room fixed. If I did not she would cut the plug. I can remember it now.
Liberty City was amazing at that time. I played that game for several years... good times. I consider that I am addicted to the GTA franchise, but I also love other games so I thing a gaming enthusiast is a better definition for me .


New Member
Nowadays I do not think that I am addicted. I actually find myself planing time to play games. The other time is when I am purely bored with nothing better to do. Growing up can suck at times.


New Member
I don't have enough time to become addicted. I have 2-year old twins and 2 older kids running around. Those twins are in to everything. I play for a bit when i get home after I cook dinner (I work 2 jobs/12 hours a day and my wife works evenings) Shes not home when i get here so i cook dinner.

Once things get settled I can turn on the game. I only play maybe an hour or so at a time. I have to be back up at 4:30!


New Member
When it first came out I was definitely addicted. I used to play for 5-6 hours a day non-stop. Eventually I got tired of it and the online mode turned out to be not that great so I stopped playing. I recently picked it up again and have been playing for an hour or two every few days. It's still a great game and I have a lot of fun playing.
I would have to say yes I am pretty addicted when it comes to playing GTA especially when I am on a roll passing all the missions I find myself getting really into it. I tend to lose motivation when I lose the mission more than once that kind of stops me from wanting to keep playing and that when I take a little break from the game.


New Member
I don't think I'm a GTA addict. Sure that I play it a lot but only when I have the free time. I won't neglect my other obligations just because I want to squeeze in the extra hours with GTA.


I was addicted when I first got the game, now I can play a hour or two and proceed with doing other things in my life.


New Member
Yes, I am really addicted. I played San Andreas over A gazillions times from start to finish then came this new instalments of the game and find myself doing the same over and over again. That just means I am addicted


Am I? I can tell all the names of the main characters from 3 to 5. During my time with Vice City, I can tell the names of all the cars before I got into them. But am I seriously addicted? I hope not :p