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Are you going to get Bloodborne?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I am pretty sure that you have already heard of this game. There was a 6 minute footage released from Gamescom which showcased the slick combat in action for the very first time. I am really pumped up for this game. Are you?

ray king

Just heard of it, I just had a look at it and the first thing that came to my mind is Final fantasy and DMC. The trailer looks amazing, nice graphics and the setting is really fascinating. Definitely something I want to play. Looks like getting a PS4 is gonna be a necessity judging by the cool titles they are offering now.


I heared about this game just recently and watched the footage you're talking about and I can see me playing this game in the future, so I'll be getting this game most definetely. I hope that the graphics will really be as they're shown in the trailer and that it doesn't dissapoint.


They just released a 30 minute footage of this game from TGS. But I can't embed it here for some unapparent reason. If someone could do that, it would be great.


Now that the game has released, we can all assume that the PS4 still has the games to be in the market. After the devastation of The Order: 1886, the only gems that Ps4 had left to actually gain gamers is Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne. Well, at least one of them was amazing. Bloodborne is quite excellent and a perfect spiritual sequel to Dark Souls 2.
I just heard about this game. Doesn't look to bad, but I'm still debating whether it's worth buying it not. But it definitely looks really cool though. Probably going to be really expensive when it first comes out, just like most games.


Nope, I'll just watch some Youtubers play the game. The game is very similar to dark souls but with guns and other awesome weapons. I know they released both games but come on, I'm tired playing this kind of game.


I really want to play it, since I'm a fan of the Souls series, but I don't have a PS4... it's such a shame, Bloodborne has very interesting aesthetics, lore and gameplay mechanics... though I hear the PvP sucks compared to Dark Souls 2, which is sad since I love the PvP.


Well-Known Member
It looks well made and it's probably very fun but I personally just don't like this type of setting and I also dislike games being too dark. I might play it and change my mind if I come across it by chance but I don't think I'll be seeking out to purchase it anytime soon.


It looks well made and it's probably very fun but I personally just don't like this type of setting and I also dislike games being too dark. I might play it and change my mind if I come across it by chance but I don't think I'll be seeking out to purchase it anytime soon.

What do you mean by too dark? Too dark as in "bleak"? Because then, yeah, you should stay away from Bloodborne. It's probably bleaker than Dark Souls. Though it feels like your role in the game is less pointless and hopeless than in Dark Souls. Still, the game is really bleak and dark! I love it for that, but it's not for everyone.


I just watched some video of the game because coming to this thread was the first time that I had heard anything about this game. From the video that I watch I think that it is a cool game but it is not the type of game that I can see myself playing for too long.