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Are you getting tired of GTA V?

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New Member
It's been more than a year since this game launched on old-gen consoles. I have been playing it since then. I for one am still having fun playing it, but I know there are others who feel a bit tired of this game. So are you getting a bit tired playing the same thing over and over?


I actually never bought the game myself, and I'm glad I did. I've played San Andreas a lot when I was younger, and the concept of the games is really boring now. I rather play some Mario Kart then, since I'm indeed tired playing the same game over and over again, even though GTA V looks better and has new things, it's not worth my time anymore.


Well-Known Member
I still enjoy it after months of owning the game but I'm sure I'll get tired of it some day. I usually can play it for a very long time though especially if I find some non mission things that I like to do like causing riots and evading the police.
I wouldn't say I'm getting tired, I just got bored for a little while. That's how it happens with most GTA games, they're really fun for a while and then they bore me for another while. I'll pick it back up again sometime in the future, but for now it's just sitting in my game shelf.


New Member
I would say that I have gotten tired of it. But every once in awhile I will come back to playing and end up spending hours playing. The game gets kind of boring after competing the campaign. But thats true for most games really.
I am not exactly tired of it yet, it just grows stale after a while. I can play for hours a day for a few days straight, but other days I can only play for 2o minutes before getting bored. I will keep coming back for a while and do not see myself getting tired of it just yet.


Active Member
Obviously, at least one of us in this entire forum has gotten tired of playing GTA V. If you ask a question enough times, someone will answer in the affirmative. It's as simple as that.


Honestly, I am pretty tired of GTA V, it wasn't the most appealing thing in the world to me to begin with, so I'm not surprised that it's lost my interest a lot quicker than other games have.


With all the new DLC constantly coming out, I haven't gotten bored of it. They added hipsters and now there are holiday updates coming out. This game doesn't get old for me.


Nope! I cannot even see myself ever being able to get tired of a game like this that is so good. I just like to go through the storyline because it is that good.


Active Member
Well, if you considered yourself bored before, then the holiday update sure can breathe some more life into the game for your excitement.


I think that gamers are so used to dazzling graphics and innovative gameplay, that they get bored easily with a benchmark game like GTA V and are already looking for the next one. It almost seems like gamers nowadays are spoiled and harder to impress. I wonder what Rockstar will have to do next to make an impression.

Maxx Johnson

New Member
I'm getting slightly tired of GTA V, yes. But there is still so many fun things to do, whether it's glitches or part of the core game. My friends and I always try to put a twist on everything, and we won't give up until there's a logical explanation for something not going our way.


I'm getting slightly tired of GTA V, yes. But there is still so many fun things to do, whether it's glitches or part of the core game. My friends and I always try to put a twist on everything, and we won't give up until there's a logical explanation for something not going our way.
I'm still amazed by all the ways people are coming up with to play the game, like the foot races across the map and the spectacular stunts and accidents that people create. It'll be a while before I get bored of it.


Active Member
Are you kidding? There's still so much content to clear, you can goof off in multiplayer and with heists coming the playerbase is only going to become more active.


Are you kidding? There's still so much content to clear, you can goof off in multiplayer and with heists coming the playerbase is only going to become more active.

With the new heists that keep coming out I just cannot see myself getting bored with the game anytime soon. I play the game almost everyday and it gets better every single time that I sit down to play it.


New Member
As a GTA lover, I would never get tired of it, especially when it comes to online. I have my moments where I get bored because my friends aren't on with me, but when they are, watch out, it's going to be action-packed!


Well-Known Member
With the new heists that keep coming out I just cannot see myself getting bored with the game anytime soon. I play the game almost everyday and it gets better every single time that I sit down to play it.
Very true. Even without the DLC it is very interesting to replay over and over, and since they do keep updating it, it just means a lot more gameplay to discover.


Honestly, Iam pretty tired of GTA V, it wasn't the most appealing thing in the world to me to begin with, so I'm not surprised that it's lost my interest a lot quicker than other games have.
It's weird that you would drop $60 on a game that didn't appeal to you in the first place. But it's cool that you gave it a chance. I can't understand being tired of an open ended game that has been adding new downloadable content for two years while other games stagnate. But everyone has different tastes. What about GTA V did you find unappealing and tiresome and how far did you get in the story before you realized that it wasn't the game for you?