Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Anyone Use the Cellphone Cheats?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
I never used cheat codes in GTA IV, even though I did with the previous games. I just didn't feel the urge to. Maybe it's because I grew up or maybe it's the game itself, I don't know. :p


New Member
I actually never used the cheats in GTA IV. Never felt like they would make it any more fun for me. I remember when I was younger i would write down all the codes for the cheats in GTA San Andreas though, pretty sure I had some fun with those.


New Member
Stupid quеstiоn ??
оn gtа 4 --PS3 ........ i hаvе thе сhеаt phоnе numbеrs.
I prеss up аnd thе сеll phоnе аppеаrs in thе bоttоm right. Thеn prеss up ... nоthing hаppеns.
Hоw dо i gеt thе phоnе tо pоp up (tо sее thе sсrееn ) -- sо i саn еntеr thе сhеаt phоnе numbеrs ?????????
ivе triеd еvеrything. ???


Active Member
To get to the actual phone keypad I've always pressed up to get the phone in the corner of the screen, and then up again to get to the keypad, so it sounds like you are doing it right. Have you changed the default control setting or changed any of the buttons @AlexZ?

If not then I'm not actually sure what you are doing wrong because I don't know of any other way to get to it.


New Member
All versions of GTA are my favorite because they give a mental relief in my sadness.I am playing this amazing game since my childhood.I have never used any kind of cheats to finish the game.I believe that one should win the game by showing his natural skills not by using cheats.

D Lee

New Member
GTA is one of my favorite series, and I've been playing it ever since GTA 3. Other than the vast array of side missions, storyline, and quirky characters, I also liked rampaging around the city with cheat codes. I remember my favorite cheat was the flying car cheat in San Andreas. It was both hilarious and made seeing all the locales incredibly easy.

However, when it came to GTA IV, I never used the cheat codes. I don't know whether it was because of the awkward cellphone interaction you needed to activate them, or just because I had so much fun in the game without the need for cheats. What about everyone else? Did you use cheat codes in GTA IV?
I use cheats but not quite often but I haven't used any on GTA IV because I find it so interesting and I don't find it hard/sticky..
I've used cheats on Vice City and San Andreas in the past just for fun too


New Member
I try to avoid cheats in general, but I also reach that point in games where I am open to most anything. It has been awhile but maybe this will jolt something loose in me.

D Lee

New Member
Maybe I got this question's title wrong. Anyway, back-then, I used pocketgamer site for tips, cheats and hints to get the most out of the games. I simply searched the archive for the games I wanted and clicked on the game title on the site. It was helpful and fun, I recall.


I TRIED to use them. But honestly it seems developers made it difficult for us to use them on purpose. Good luck entering a health cheat on the cellphone while you're being shot to pieces by the police.
Speaking of police, there's one cheat I especially missed from San Andreas and that was the "no police" one.


New Member
I got a reminder the other day about how much I struggle when it comes to using codes, especially on the PS4. If they are worth it though, I can usually power through and make it work.


I prefer playing the game without using any cheats. Most often I do that. But on some rare occasions, I use them.


New Member
Definitely! I'm crazy about them and honestly, I don't think you're a cheater for using them. It's more fun when you use them because it's hard to acquire things without it, and some things even impossible.
I used the cheat codes a lot once I beat the game. They add a lot of fun to it, but it just doesn't feel right to use them before I finish the story. I always thought Rockstar's decision to include cheat codes a really good one.
I totally agree with you. I always finish a GTA game without using any cheats to avoid being bored while playing the game. After I finish the game, that's the time I will use the cheats.