Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Gran Turismo 6 Anybody else bored out of the game?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
It is not that boring, I mean its a racing game there is only so much to do. It does grow a bit repetitive at times, but I would not go as far too say it is getting boring. The game play is a lot of the same, but the nice graphics keep me going.


WHen you get bored with a game the best practice is to just put it down for 3 or 4 days and come back to it and hopefully you have some enjoyment if not, take an even longer break.
I can not say I am bored with the game, I love to play it, but I do play a lot of games . So its hard to really bore of a game. I play it hen i am interested to play it and if I am not I dont.


Yeah, a bit bored too. But I guess it's because each and every GT feels like a better version of its predecessor. How many GT's can you play? How many... Halo's? God of War's? It's not that it's a bad game per se, just that we've replayed the likes of it again and again, even in its own series. It's easy to "burn" playing the same kind of game.

The solution is simple: put it aside and play X-Com, Civ or something. Play some FPSs, and DON'T play "other games with cars" for not days or weeks, but months. Then, in 3-4 months, come back to it. You'll love it again. For a while. Then get bored. Again.

That comes from a 37 year old gamer who's gotten bored of pretty much everything. Again. And again. And learn how to live with it and love it. :)


Some pros about Gran Turismo 6- is that it's a more fluid game than it's predecessor, also the loading times have been reduced as well, compared to Grand Turismo 5. Also it's easier to navigate from arcade to career mode which is nice.