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Any Reason To Get an Xbox One if I have a Gaming PC?

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New Member
I have a good gaming PC but I noticed I could get an Xbox One for just $169.74 refurbished and I can get Xbox One used games very cheap from ebay and the pawn shop. I'd kind of like to have a console for those games that only come out on console that I can't get on PC but are there enough console only games to justify the purchase? I'm getting a Nintendo NX in March. It'll have exclusives I want. Like Mario, Mario kart, Smash Bros, Zelda... Games like that. That's why it's a must own for me.
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Active Member
There still seems to be a certain amount of snobbery from PC owners that consoles are for the lower class of people shall we say, but that's not the case at all as far as I'm concerned. I have a high end gaming PC, a Playstation 4 and an Xbox ONE as well and if you can afford to get all three then you should go for it.

Different games perform differently depending on what system you are playing on, and there's a number of games that I have for the PC that I have bought cheap for the console and actually prefer to play them on there. Also the consoles are a lot more portable, and if you want to take a system round to a friends house, or lend them to a niece or nephew like I have done in the past then it's certainly something worth considering.