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Any love for Blur?

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I got this game on Steam in a sale a year or two back, I really like it. It has MarioKart elements, real cars, and an enjoyable experience. I've not played it online, but according to a couple of my friends, I really should.

Was definitely worth the £4 or so I paid for it, but strangely, I've not actually seen much noise about the game. Maybe I just have poor taste, but I definitely enjoy it. :)


I really like Blur, Blur is an excellent racing game with weapons and lots of other tools to fight with other players while racing. It is a new and interesting thinking.

I have completed it and Now, I only play it online sometimes.


I've not completed it myself. I enjoy it, but I found some of the later levels got really laggy on my PC. That was before I upgraded though, so maybe it's worth another shot. I think on my current save I am quite a way through it.

I found it to be a refreshing racing game, one I've spent quite a bit of time on.


Yeah, I am one of those guys who loved this game and was so disappointed when it didn't sell well. It deserved more to be honest. We would have gotten more had it sold well, but now this is dead. I would love a sequel to it. Willing to pay $120 if I need to.


Yeah, I am one of those guys who loved this game and was so disappointed when it didn't sell well. It deserved more to be honest. We would have gotten more had it sold well, but now this is dead. I would love a sequel to it. Willing to pay $120 if I need to.

Cheers, but I doubt your $120 will help. I'm surprised it didn't take off well, they obviously went to the trouble of licencing actual cars. I got the game on a Steam sale (as I do a shocking amount of my games) but it's actually really good. Only a few of my friends have actually even heard of it!

It's a good game! It also works well with a 360 controller, which I have a wired version of, it's just... a good game. I'm not against other racers, but Blur definitely has a place in the "favourites" tab of my Steam library.


Blue is a really fun LAN game. I only find racing games that include weapons fun when you are doing it with a bunch of people in the same area. Playing them on my own just doesn't give me the same kind of hype.