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The Crew Any Insight?

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New Member
Hi guys, sorry to say this but I have never played The Crew and was wondering if anyone could give me an insight into what the game was about, its best and worst features and what you personally like/dont like about the game.



From their wikipedia, I'm already worried. They need to innovate, not emulate. They state that they want to make a dent in the Need for Speed market. People who enjoy Need for Speed are going to keep playing. There's even a film coming out next year that will push more people towards that. Trying to get a little sliver of the pie isn't going to make this a success.


You have never played it because it's not even ut yet. I don;t think there is anyone that can provide you with some insights except the folks at Ubisoft who are working on the game right now. Just hang on, the game is coming in 2014.
It's not even out yet, that's why you haven't played it yet!

Just search it on Google, Youtube, Wikipedia - there's plenty of information out there if you look for it!


Well-Known Member
No one has played it yet, I think, but from the looks of it, it will be like Drive Club but with heists instead of focusing mostly on racing. I've never really played a racing game like it before, I imagine it would be like GTA and Need For Speed combined, and as with another member stated in another thread, has WoW elements as well.