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Any fans of The Sims series here?

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Yep i played Sims Medival series only and i liked it that much i played it for like 8 hours a day. I think it is time to try out some other series now like Civilization or Social.


Man I love The Sims when it was first out. And then I got all thrilled when I knew they are releasing expansion pack. Too bad I never got myself the full collection.

The Sims 2 and 3 are both finished now, with The Sims 4 possibly coming this September:

There's just something very exciting about creating your avatars and see how they go on with their lives......Okay that sounds a little creepy >_>
The sims are classic games, I'm not a big fan myself but my wife likes the Sims. I wonder what the next level of the Sims on the rift would be like. I'm sure a virtual realty version is on it's way.


New Member
I never tried The Sims because I never understood the purpose of the game. Do you simply raise a family? What do you do in your free time? Is it a life simulator kind of like the farming and truck simulators?


I love The Sims series especially Sims 3. The new Sims is actually not my type but the only thing I like is the creation of the sim and the house. It's more easy than the previous titles.


Well-Known Member
I never tried The Sims because I never understood the purpose of the game. Do you simply raise a family? What do you do in your free time? Is it a life simulator kind of like the farming and truck simulators?
I think it's more like having multiple and a more complex version of virtual pets. You take care of them until you have all the bells and whistles that the game has to offer and if you fail then you get to see only the basics.
I'm a huge fan of the Sims. I really like the whole ideology of that game and to be honest I got addicted of the Sims a time ago. In my opinion it is an addictive game because if you create that whole family you just want to keep 'playing' with it. The best part I like about the game are new babies, haha lol.
I used to play Sims back in the days. Not sure if it was the first one or the second one, but I had quite a bit of fun with it. But it was on my really old computer, so I don't know what happened to it.


I am a guy, and I don't know if it's weird to anyone, but where I live, The Sims is usually considered a game for girls. But, I don't care and I enjoy playing it. I'm a bit disappointed in Sims 4 because it doesn't have cars that your Sims can drive. I loved the original Sims and Sims 2, and Sims 3 was okay-ish but I have enjoyed that, as well. Whenever I make a family, I kinda follow some sort of a plan. Get a job, get a car, improve painting or writing skills, get married, get kids, live happily ever after. I don't know why the car part is so important for me, but hey this is the racing games forum, I'm sure you guys can understand me.

Sims 2 was, in my opinion, a lot BETTER than Sims 3. Not in terms of graphics, but in terms of mechanics and such. They expanded Sims 3 so much and gave you so many activities outside your home, that it's just too much.


Well-Known Member
I used to play Sims back in the days. Not sure if it was the first one or the second one, but I had quite a bit of fun with it. But it was on my really old computer, so I don't know what happened to it.
Same here. The version I played was probably one of the first few but I'm sure the new ones are still similar just with extra features. I know if I start playing those again I'll get hooked once more.


I like to screw around on the sims games and put my characters through hell. I never played the game seriously before though.


Active Member
I love The Sims but I never really played the game seriously. I started back when The Sims 2 was the real deal, but I haven't played with The Sims 4 too much.

Ryan Allwright

New Member
I was hooked playing the first Sims that came out. I thought it was cool building and designing you're own home as well as cooking etc. I didn't like how the Sims had moods that would keep changing constantly though. Sometimes you're Sims would not be in the mood to even go to their own jobs. But overall I had fun with it for a few weeks.


New Member
I've always wanted to try Sims on my PC. I bought a couple of Sims games at some yard-sales, but my PC was never great for gaming, because I always had an EMachine. I ended up selling those games, but I've tried Sims on the DS, however, and rather liked all of them that I had, though I believe that the concept was maybe a little different in these games and maybe tailored more to kids (well, the ones that I had anyway). Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the series and invested in three different ones!


I'vе bееn plаying sims fоr а lоng timе аnd thе dеvеlоpmеnt it hаs оvеr а gеnеrаtiоn is hugе. Thеy соuld еithеr соntinuе tо mаkе thеir mаin gаmе оn соmputеr sоftwаrе аnd mаkе sims 5 еtс оr thеy соuld tаkе it sоmеwhеrе еlsе suсh аs thе lаstеst tесh dеviсеs. I knоw thеy mаkе thеm аlrеаdy оn things likе Xbоx аnd PlаyStаtiоn but thеy mаy wоrk оn mаking it mоrе аdvаnсеd соmpаrеd tо thе соmputеr vеrsiоns. Thеy соuld еvеn mаkе а nеw sеriеs bаsеd оff sims but bе аn аdvеnturе gаmе likе minесrаft hаs dоnе. It mаy еvеn еnd аll tоgеthеr but I highly dоubt thаt bесаusе оf thе mоnеy thеy mаkе.


In my оpiniоn, sims wаs hugе in thе pаst аnd kindа still is but it dоеsn't hаvе thе sаmе аffесt. I usеd tо plаy it еvеrydаy аnd сhесk fоr nеw еxpаnsiоns in еB gаmеs еvеry wееk but nоw hаs gоnе sо fаr thаt I dоn't knоw whаt еlsе thеy саn dо tо mаkе it bеttеr whilе still аllоwing соmmоn dеviсеs tо hаndlе tо dаtа.
I loved Sims a lot before. And played the hell out of that simulation game. The most fun parts though are creating your characters and building a house. After that it gets a bit boring for me, but it's cool :D


New Member
I am a fan of the Sims series ever since the sims 2. I just love the game so much, I love the part where I can make stories out of the sims--like love stories, rags to riches stories and family stories. I will never grow old from this game. This is the kind of game that I will play even I'm already 50 years old. Not to mention, every release of the sims are amazing, they are really like a human now. LOL


I played The Sims and Sim City and i still play it but not that often anymore. The Sim City was the most recent i played and it is really quite enticing. I used to play it in long hours because i was so hooked into it. A new expansion pack would be nice, can't wait to check it out.