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Any Fallout fans here?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Hey guys, saw the "Any Sims fans here?" thread and thought I could make a Fallout thread.

Is anyone here a fan of the Fallout franchise, and which games have you played? Which is your favorite game?

I'll start by answering the questions. I am definitely a fan of the Fallout games, and I have been since 2009 when I got my new PC, and played Fallout 3. From that point, I loved the game and everything Fallout. I loved the story, the graphics, the gameplay and everything else. My favorite is Fallout 3, but I loved New Vegas as well. Both of them are great games, in my opinion, and I can't wait for Fallout 4 to come out, so I can get back into the wasteland.

Anyone else excited for Fallout 4? What are you most excited about?


Aye! I'm a Fallout fan, just because of the whole atmosphere around it. I love games with a huge lore backstory that can really captivate a gamer, like Fallout and their crazy vaults. I played New Vegas, and although in the start the combat along with the story was off putting, I slowly fell in love with it. Especially with the whole 1950's charm of the game, coupled with the extreme gore from decapitating enemies, the series is probably a high point in my game library. I'm excited about Fallout 4 because of it's Fallout 4. What's not to be excited about?


Did you play Fallout 3? If you didn't, you can play that while you wait for Fallout 4! It's a great game, too, and it's worth playing. I'm playing it currently and I have almost 10,000 bottle caps, and I didn't progress all that much in the main story. I'm taking things really slowly and thoroughly this time around. I'm trying to get my girlfriend into it, but it will be very hard. Have you played the iPhone game? I'm waiting for it to release on Android. Should be in a month or so. Excited for that, as well.


I'm a Fallout fan too. I've played Fallout 3 and New Vegas. My favorite is New Vegas because it's the first game I played in Fallout series. But I really like the story of 3 but New Vegas is much better with everything except the story but it's still good. I'm also super excited about Fallout 4, I can't wait to build an entire town and some new stories to learn.


Active Member
I'm a pretty big Fallout fan, been playing the games for a while now. Fallout 4 is gonna be pretty big, I already pre-ordered the game and I can't wait to play it!


Well-Known Member
I've heard of the name before but I've only paid attention to it recently and I think I'm going to buy some of the older versions to catch up. My interest for it stemmed from discovering their mobile game.


I have played all of the Fallout gams and I think it is a bit of a meme game. I think the games are OK but not really deserving of the attention it gets.


Active Member
I played the hell out of Fallout 3, even installing mods, but I've yet to pick up Fallout 4 due to the hefty price tag. I'll probably pick it up when it hopefully drops below 50% during the Steam Summer/Winter Sale.