Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Anyоnе try WRС 6?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Benoit W

Anyоnе try WRС 6?
I'm аbоut 100 hоurs dееp intо Dirt, аnd I аbsоlutеly lоvе it. Thаt sаid, I wоuldn't mind sоmе vаriеty in my rаlly gаming. Hаs аnyоnе triеd WRс 6? Hоw dоеs thе simulаtiоn hоld up?


Thе thing thаt suсks is thаt stаgеs in WRС6 аrе rеаl. But thеy hаvеn't bееn mоdеlеd with thr sаmе prесisiоn аs thе DiRT stаgеs. Fоr еxаmplе, in DiRT yоu саn fееl ruts оn thе rоаd, thе sоft shоuldеr, thе сrоwn in thе rоаd, thе surfасе сhаngеs in diffеrеnt grаvеls саusе diffеrеnt fееdbасk frоm thе саr, аnd thе саrs аll givе diffеrеnt fееdbасk thеmsеlvеs. Whеrе аs WRС6, аll thе rоаd fееdbасk fееls mоrе оr lеss thе sаmе. Instеаd оf а sоft shоuldеr аnd ruts, yоu just gеt а "rоugh" fееling surfасе thаt fееls gеnеriс аnd blаnd. аnd thаt sаmе lеvеl оf fееdbасk is prеsеnt whеthеr yоu'rе in а S1600 Sаxо, оr а Xsаrа WRС. Likеwisе, thе stаgе dесоrаtiоns in WRС6 аll lооk саrtооny, аnd likе sоmеthing оut оf Fоrzа Hоrizоn, nоt а gаmе trying tо bе а sim.


I triеd it but dоn't rеаlly саrе fоr it. It's hаrd tо likе аftеr Dirt Rаlly, еvеrything is infеriоr.


Active Member
I haven't tried it yet either but I do plan to give it a go probably this weekend. After reading a few reviews though I'm not sure it's going to be the game I thought it would be, but I'll have a see what I thunk and come back and let you know.

In the dirt racing genre of games, I do think that DiRT is going to be very hard to beat, so any time a new game comes out it's going to be compared to that. While it's not a bad thing to compare it to the best, that doesn't give it time to establish itself as a game in it's own right and we maybe need to judge it on it's own for what it is.


DIRT is a tough one to beat and it seems to set the bar, but there are some other ones that I would put up there too, it is just a matter of opinion. Havent tried this one out yet though.


Active Member
If you think that all racing games just blend in together, then I think you're playing the wrong kind of games for you. While I will admit that sometimes the games can become repetitive, but so can watching racing and sometimes even driving in real life on track days but it's all about competition.

Competing with others and also against your own lap times, so if you think that's boring then maybe any racing game isn't really for you in the first place.


Active Member
I thought WRC 6 was going to be a little more innovative since the whole genre is stalling at the moment. I think the game is fine, I like the controls and the graphics are an improvement.

Dirt is definitely hard to beat.


Active Member
I thought WRC 6 was going to be a little more innovative since the whole genre is stalling at the moment. I think the game is fine, I like the controls and the graphics are an improvement.

Dirt is definitely hard to beat.

That's pretty much what I was getting at in the other thread I posted in this section. There's nothing wrong with WRC6, in fact it's a very good game, but I just expected a lot more now that I have actually got round to playing it.

It's everything that you would a want a dirt racing game to be, but at the end of the day we already had that with DiRT so there's nothing new and ground breaking here and I just think that an important opportunity as been missed by the game developer to put DiRT under pressure.


New Member
As Flamingo-Dorito stated, race games in general might have some small differences or higher difficulties, but in the end they all seem the same regardless of how unique each game can be. As for WRC6, i have tried it for a couple of times but i just didn't get into it as much as DIRT.


Active Member
As Flamingo-Dorito stated, race games in general might have some small differences or higher difficulties, but in the end they all seem the same regardless of how unique each game can be. As for WRC6, i have tried it for a couple of times but i just didn't get into it as much as DIRT.

I think that's the same opinion as most people, and it's something that the WRC series of games needs to address to carry on being successful. DiRT is seen as THE dirt racing game to buy, and if you've bought one then do you really need to buy another one? What WRC need to do is make THAT game the one to buy instead of DiRT and while the game itself is good, it still isn't good enough to justify people choosing that over the other.


New Member
I think that's the same opinion as most people, and it's something that the WRC series of games needs to address to carry on being successful. DiRT is seen as THE dirt racing game to buy, and if you've bought one then do you really need to buy another one? What WRC need to do is make THAT game the one to buy instead of DiRT and while the game itself is good, it still isn't good enough to justify people choosing that over the other.
Yeah, i do agree that they are awfully similar and to be honest i just don't see how they can make it more appealing or even a bit more entertaining. I believe that racing games (Dirt, WRC...) will have a difficult time to refresh their platforms.


Active Member
Being racing game fans like I'm sure we all are on here, one of the major criticisms is that racing games can be very similar. The actual game itself, the racing and driving aspect as been polished to almost perfection by all the different game developers, so what we are looking at is the whole appearance and playability of the game, not just the driving aspect.

That's where I think DiRT sets itself apart form the rest. WRC6 is a quality game, make no doubts about that, and the racing element is as good (if not better) than DiRT, but as a game overall, it still lacks that appeal that DiRT's got, and I'm not sure what they can do about that moving forward.


Active Member
Yes, I already tried WRC 6 (and to be honest, I kinda like it) but honestly, after Dirt Rаlly nothing seems to be enough. The quality is much higher (I can't even compare) and wins easily the battle.


New Member
I have not but one of my friends has tried it and said it is a really good game to play for Xbox one. He is only at the begging of the game and says it looks and plays really good. I hope that in a little while I will be able to play this game.


I agree that as good as WRC might be, it still doesn't really beat Dirt on any level. I've played both and I'm sure a lot of people here understand exactly what I mean. I don't agree with ezrealgg that all dirt racing games are the same.


I think WRC would not be better than Dirt. WR6 is not that much interesting but if we want to enjoy it then we would have to be expert aqt it to see all features. It is not being liked by gamer as it is not played that much. We should give it a try.


I'm still getting the hang of the game, the simulation is ok, and I think I will be better in controlling it as time goes by.
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Not yet. But maybe this weekend. One of my friend wants to try too. But it seems like it'd take a look lot of time so we kept it for weekend play.