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And Here’s a Racing Game Where You Drive the Popemobile, as the Pope

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Shawn Hopkins

That’s gotta be some kind of sin, right? I’m not sure a mobile racer is worth all the Hail Mary’s.

Anyway, if you don’t fear for your immortal soul, you can play Ready, Set … Brazil, which is available for free on iOs and Google Play. The game features multiplayer, power ups, all of the usual kart-racing staples. What seems to most set it apart is a nice sense of Brazilian flavor and a neat blocky art style.

Eh, give it a go. The new Pope seems pretty cool about things, he probably won’t mind.

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New Member
Ha ha! I never would have thought of something like this; it's amazing what creative minds come up with! I'll have to give this a try just so I can tell my friends how I drove the "pope-mobile!"