Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Alright, be honest, did you cheat?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Does anyone remember the cheat code booklet called Tips and Tricks? I used to use that thing all of the time whenever I played video games.

Yes, I heard about this one. One of my friends used this booklet and he said me that it was awesome. I would like to try this. Can you give me some more details about this booklet?


Active Member
I can honestly say I completed the entire game without cheating. There's only like 3 or 4 missions that were borderline impossible where I nearly looked for a cheat, but I eventually got through those missions. The rest of the game was pretty easy.


New Member
I liked cheating. A lot! PANZER, LEAVEMEALONE, KANGAROO were my favourites. Ohh, how many times didn't I use the cheat that makes car run on water while I was in a tank and ended up dead because the tank can't go on water. I think I'll play this game again, just for the sake of those times.


Active Member
While everyone is free to play the game as they want of course, didn't cheating spoil the game for you all though?

I did use some of the cheat codes I'll admit, but not till I'd completed the game anyway. If I'm going to spend that much on a game, if I cheat aren't I just cheating myself?
I thought many missions were impossible to finish without using cheats. BIGBANG cheat helped in more than 10 missions I guess. I still remember controlling the small helicopter thing in the four iron mission, I think that was the only mission where it wasn't possible to use any cheat codes or atleast, I wasn't aware of any.
I did not cheat at all to beat the game. After I was done with the story cheats were fair game, but I like to beat my games legitimately before using help.


Active Member
I did not cheat at all to beat the game. After I was done with the story cheats were fair game, but I like to beat my games legitimately before using help.
I'm the same way. I rarely ever use cheats until I beat the game without them. Sometimes if I just can't beat the game no matter what, I might use cheats to complete game, but that rarely ever happens.
Cheat codes are great to give additional hours to a game, as long as you have finished the main story. Using it in free mode is a fun way to kill time, but to actually use cheats on missions? I wouldn't do it. The fun is completing a mission through skill, not just spamming your gun because you have unlimited ammo and health. You have to think critically in most missions, it's not just kill kill kill. You have to make decisions sometimes even at split second, and that's what makes GTA great.


New Member
If you didn't cheat playing VC you missed the real fun. This was the first game I can recall that had that kind of cheats, obviously intended to enhance the gaming experience. I didn't feel guilty at all for playing with cheats since it was like an unspoken rule.
I'm the same way. I rarely ever use cheats until I beat the game without them. Sometimes if I just can't beat the game no matter what, I might use cheats to complete game, but that rarely ever happens.
Yeah, I don't see the problem in using them if there's a particularly hard part and it's just not fun for me anymore. For the most part GTA is not hard enough to warrant them in my opinion.


Active Member
Yeah, I don't see the problem in using them if there's a particularly hard part and it's just not fun for me anymore. For the most part GTA is not hard enough to warrant them in my opinion.
That is one of things I always loved about GTA. The games have always been beatable, but at the same time, there are missions that are pretty difficult. I always hated games that were just borderline impossible to complete.
Yeah, usually the hard parts in GTA are near the end, so it's to be expected. The only missions I thought were frustrating because of the control scheme were the RC plane missions in San Andreas.


I absolutely never cheat when doing story missions! It's not really how the game is supposed to be played. I only use cheats when having some random fun without saving the game, like spawning a fast car when escaping cops or restoring health.


New Member
Yes! All the time, I was younger but I was so amazed when I figured out the cheats. It was always the same ones though, weapons cheat, cars drive on water, that dodo cheat where the cars would just hover when you pulled back. I loved this game the most out of the series mostly because of these cheats, made the game all that more fun.


I always tried to finish every mission without using codes, but there was a couple missions where I was so mad from trying so much times that I had to do it. But in the general no, I always played it the right way.


New Member
I completed the game without cheats but then after that I put all the cheats on and just went around having fun free roaming with god mode on and all that fun stuff just messing about. I did at times get tempted to put cheats on when I was still doing the missions, but I worked through anyhow as I knew it would take away from the accomplishment if I had used cheats to beat the game.


New Member
I did cheat at certain points in the game, but mostly to have fun - like many comments have already mentioned. I never used them to complete any kind of missions, instead, I always used them outside of missions and when I had previously saved.
The reason for that is that a good friend had big influence on me for that part. He always told me not to cheat for missions. When we met at one of our house's, we would often have fun times while doing crazy stuff with cheats.
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New Member
I never cheat in my main playthrough, but I've had many just-for-fun sessions where I use the cheats to just mess around but not save afterwards. I want to experience the main story on my own terms, but occasionally just kick the seriousness off and have some fun.

I think this is the way games should really be enjoyed.


New Member
Just playing the game, I've never really tried to cheat at all. Like if I'm serious about beating it, I've never had the desire to do it in an unfair way. If I'm just trying to have a good time, cheats are fine. It's nice to have infinite money, or whatever weapons or cares or vehicles you want, just so you can mess around and destroy some cars. Or whatever you want to do really.


Of course I cheat but completing the game I didn't. I love run a havoc on streets and it was really fun to do it too.