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Any truth to the rumor Rockstar is beginning to hand out 20 year bans for people that are modding GTA Online? This is the first step in a better online experience especially for people that play legitimately. Even if it is just a scare tactic and it eliminates a few of the modder's it's a step in the right direction. We need more focus on this instead of updates and patches with different adversary modes and weapons. The content is great as it stands right now. We need to focus more on the game-play experience as far as I'm concerned.


Active Member
I heard about a couple of modders getting banned a while ago. I never really looked deeply into it though. From what I remember, Rockstar said it was more of a piracy issue, than it was a modding thing.


New Member
I think they should hand out 20 year bans for modders. They can get really annoying for the legitimate players. The only problem with this is that I hope that they do not ban anyone by mistake for 20 years, and have that person lose everything for no fault of their own.


Active Member
Even if it isn't true, I think it should be. I'm not against modding but I just think with a game such as GTA, there's no call for it, and the ones who do mod the game aren't doing it for the benefit of others, but just doing it for themselves.


New Member
I've never hear such thing, but I think it may be a bit too excessive. I mean, sure mod hacking is not cool, specially in multiplayer, but still 20 years is no reason for it. Maybe 1 year or so would be just fine.


New Member
I think it's reasonable. GTA isn't a game you should really try to mod online. It never has been, and it never will be. Mods are usually better served in saving them for offline modes, where they can't affect the enjoyment of anyone else's playing experience. Maybe 20 years is a little too far, but you can't really be lenient with these people. If you give them only a few months in a ban, it'll be no big deal for them and they'll get back to it as soon as they get unbanned. You just shouldn't mod online, simple as that.


New Member
While I'm all for modding the single player experience, for the obvious reasons, I think that for multiplayer such shouldn't be allowed in order to keep the field level for all players. I don't think that the ban being set to 20 matters at all, since the servers won't be up anymore by them, so why not just ban them indefinitely?

Same difference.


Active Member
Modding the single player games I'm also fine with, as the only people affected by the mods are the modders themselves. Nodding online games though, and affecting how other people play the game isn't fair though in my eyes and can't be tolerated.

The modders were warned what would happen, but they continued to abuse the online platform of the game so that punishment is justified in my opinion.


Active Member
As long as they're affecting the gameplay for others I think it's pretty far Rockstar has started to give out 20 bans, a lot of modders that were abusing the multiplayer system got banned.


Active Member
It does make me wonder though just why the modders have to keep pushing though. Like I said I'm sure that none of us are against the nods that become available, what we are against is them affecting our games.

You only have to play online in an open game these days on GTA V and the game quickly becomes ruined as other players aren't interested in their own games, they're more concerned with spoiling yours and that's not right.
I'm not at all surprised that they got 20 year bans to be honest. Rockstar makes their money from Grand Theft Auto V by selling sharkcards which create a lot of revenue for them because a lot of people especially YouTubers don't want to waste time grinding for money. Modders will ruin this by giving out billions of virtual cash to all the players (like what happened in the first Christmas when GTA V came out). This means people don't need to buy sharkcards so that means lost revenue for Rockstar.


New Member
That just seems a little aggressive, for a lot of things and not just anything related to the game. Outside of anything criminal this is a pretty big window for some change to happen.