Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

соnstаnt stuttеring?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Thе gаmе соnstаntly stuttеrs in thе sаmе timing, соnstаntly. I саn mаkе it stоp by аlt+tаbbing аnd gоing bасk in but it'll stаrt up аgаin.
аny fix?


New Member
Nеw pаtсh hаs Brоkеn а Gаmе whiсh in my оpiniоn wаs аbsоlutеly finе еxсеpt соmpаtibility issuеs whiсh I nеvеr rаn intо оn Windоws 8,8.1 оr 10


Yеаh, I just instаllеd it frеsh аnd it's thе sаmе thing hеrе. Whilе thе аggrеgаtе frаmеrаtе might bе а bit highеr, I pеrsоnаlly соnsidеr tо bе еvеn wоrsе аnd lеss-plаyаblе thаn it wаs оn thе thrее-yеаr-оld lаptоp I just rеplасеd. Thаt stuttеring wаs dоwnright hеаdасhе-induсing, nоt tо mеntiоn sсrеwing with my timing whilе driving.
Irоniсаlly, by pushing up thе sеttings tо insаnе lеvеls whеrе it's nо lоngеr trying tо dо а 30+ FPS frаmеrаtе, it sоmеhоw smооthеd оut thе stuttеring.


Active Member
I think it's only an issue on PC, must be a problem with graphic cards since I'm encountering FPS issues on other games like FIFA too. Hopefully they come out with a hotfix.


Active Member
The only game that's stuttered for me of the GTA series is GTA SA, but since I'm playing what's essentially a PS 2 game on a PS4 I can see why.

The older games, even though they have been optimised for use on the newer consoles, they're not going to be perfect, and as long as they don't ruin the game then I can live with that.
Maybe it is just an issue with Grand Theft Auto IV. Because I remember that when I played the game on my Xbox 360, years ago, it had a few issues with frame rates and a bit of lag especially when you were on multiplayer and there were a lot of shots being fired. I just think the consoles weren't powerful enough sometimes to handle all the action happening. Obviously, it seems silly that this would happen on PC but it could be a possibility.


Ever since the release of GTA 4 a lot of people complained about the game not being optimized so it could be the game.


Active Member
Ever since the release of GTA 4 a lot of people complained about the game not being optimized so it could be the game.

One of the problems with Rockstar taking so long to bring the GTA games out, is that by the time it's released, it's already behind the times as far as technology is concerned. You only have to look at the latest installment and GTA V was made and designed for the PS3 platform, but it took them that long to actually bring the game out, by the time they did, the PS4 was released.


New Member
Well there are plenty of reasons why it may happen, but I was also unaware that Steam had the ongoing issue. I should keep up on these things more I suppose.


Well there are plenty of reasons why it may happen, but I was also unaware that Steam had the ongoing issue. I should keep up on these things more I suppose.
Exactly, if he checks and monitors his rig and doesn't find anything wrong then it's he game itself.


New Member
They first thing you should try when an issue like this pops up is to check to see if your graphics card drivers are up to date. This will often be a quick and easy fix for the majority of stuttering issues. If that doesn't work, it may be worth reverting to an older build of the game. Sadly, GTA IV is extremely poorly optimized for PC. It's a mess trying to get it running on a modern rig with a recent version of Windows.


They first thing you should try when an issue like this pops up is to check to see if your graphics card drivers are up to date. This will often be a quick and easy fix for the majority of stuttering issues. If that doesn't work, it may be worth reverting to an older build of the game. Sadly, GTA IV is extremely poorly optimized for PC. It's a mess trying to get it running on a modern rig with a recent version of Windows.
There is a very high probability that it's the game, not his system, nice name btw.