Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Саn Rосkstаr rеmаstеr thе GTА 4 fоr thе nеxt соnsоlеs аnd PС?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Active Member
What do you mean by remaster? Backwards compatibility or an upgrade to the graphics/more DLC's? I would personally love to have both, GTA IV was a big step forward at the time of release and the story was really compelling.


саn't sее it аs GTа 4 grаphiсаlly Is still dеsсеnt tоdаy аnd thеy'rе fосusing оn GTа оnlinе аnd Rеd Dеаd Twо оf соursе


Active Member
Like @JimGoodman says, at the moment I think Rockstar will have their hands full making sure that Red Ded 2 is going to be all it can be as there as been a lot of hype and excitement over that title, so anything less than a 9/10 game will be deemed as a failure.

In the future it may be something that they look at, but I'm not sure that there would be much point. GTA SA was remastered for this generation of console but I think that was simply because the demand for it was huge but I for one would much rather see them concentrate on the next generation of GTA rather than going back and re-releasing the older versions.


New Member
Well I sure hope so, but I think that every time you ask questions like that it is more hopeful than anything. That is not to say that it cannot be done though.


Active Member
Well I sure hope so, but I think that every time you ask questions like that it is more hopeful than anything. That is not to say that it cannot be done though.

I think it's just hopeful as well to be honest, but then again, I guess if there is enough interest and enough people ask then Rockstar might look into it one day in the future. It wouldn't take that much time and effort but they will have to make sure that it will be worth them doing it, from a financial point of view.

They aren't going to go to the trouble of doing it, no matter how many people asked, if they would end up losing money. Rockstar are one of the best game developers around and have been for some time, but in the end they are still a business and have to make a profit and that's what it will come down to.