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Search results

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. Qamra

    Favourite game for GBA?

    I found my old GBA when I moved few months ago. It had Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance inserted and I spent next few hours playing instead of unpacking myself. It's a short game and pretty limited on GBA, but really fun and I replayed it hundreds of times. Do you have any GBA favourites?
  2. Qamra

    PC Games That Got You Addicted

    I'm a recovering Minecraft addict. I spent months on servers and single player. 'Fortunately' I lost my saves when my computer broke and I just couldn't be bothered to play again. I have it installed now and there two updates since I stopped playing. I might come back to it when I get bored...
  3. Qamra

    An actual screenshot from the game...

    Wow this is amazing screen. Unbelievable how gaming progressed in last 15-20 years. I was floored by Skyrim graphics when I started playing it, this looks even better! I can imagine how many mods will be added if it comes out on PC, the game will look like a movie.
  4. Qamra

    whats on your to watch list?

    All Tim Burton films. I want to watch everything made by Tim so the list is quite long, I've only watched a few so far, so there is lots of entertainment ahead!
  5. Qamra

    Hunting games for Android

    I had Deer Hunter on my HTC One x and loved it. Controls were a bit tricky but it was still a good game. The price wasn't bad either. Have you got any favourites in this genre?
  6. Qamra

    Overrated mobile games?

    I knew Angry Birds will be mostly mentioned, ha, I really don't see why it's so popular. Good game for kids but it's not that exciting to become top mobile app.
  7. Qamra

    What is your favourite side activity in GTA V?

    I got to play on my friend's Xbox (before I can have my PC copy...) and god I was so easily distracted! I did some pretty terrible things, poor cops and old women... And all the citizens that 'accidentally' got under my tires lol.
  8. Qamra

    Marmite anyone?

    I once bought Marmite thinking it was chocolate butter or something similar lol. It's DISGUSTING! I don't even know how to describe it. Something terrible, even thinking about eating it again makes me cringe.
  9. Qamra

    Any snow by you yet?

    I'm in London and I can't wait! (for delays). I love snow and I'm so fed up with English rains. Maybe finally we will get real Christmas.
  10. Qamra

    Does your work do christmas parties?

    We are having Christmas party in some big pub this year, I believe there is one unofficial meeting as well. It can be quite fun as long as you like your co-workers lol. We don't focus on food and don't do gifts, it's just a nice quiet meeting for few drinks and chat.
  11. Qamra

    PC Version

    Yep and just wait for all the mods! I wonder what people will come up with in this one. I can imagine there will be some interesting modifications made by players.
  12. Qamra

    Having hard time trying to find good games for Windows 8 phone

    Now I really regret buying my phone cause of that. I will be upgrading to Android in February so I'm looking forward to it! Windows 8 is pretty well designed and fun but lack of apps is a dealbreaker.
  13. Qamra

    PC Version

    I will be definitely buying PC version, can't wait. I hate it that all my friends with Xbox brag about the game and I haven't even played it yet lol. I hope it will be the same fun, some games are not so good on PC.
  14. Qamra

    Can you play a music instrument?

    I used to play guitar a bit when I was a kid, and a long flute. Unfortunately it all got forgotten because of school and busy life. I wish I had never dropped playing guitar but it's never too late to start learning again.
  15. Qamra

    Is this available on Android yet?

    Oh god that would be some kind of miracle if it came out on Android! I'd be the first buyer lol. Imagine how powerful a tablet/phone would have to be to support that! But a small world version would be nice... Maybe an app with simple graphics and original story line would succeed. But there is...
  16. Qamra

    Looking forward to anything?

    Now that my laptop arrived, the only thing I'm looking forward to is getting some sleep! Oh and seeing my boyfriend tomorrow. :) I hope you are looking forward to good things too, guys.
  17. Qamra

    Highest amount you have paid for a game

    Maximum I paid was 6 pounds for some German game. It was fun but I don't think I'd ever pay that anymore! You can get better for less or for free.
  18. Qamra

    what music do to relax to?

    I usually listen to Magic FM (UK) when I come home after a long day, cheesy music but it works, ha ha. Reggae is pretty relaxing too. Or classical? Instrumental music doesn't have lyrics but it certainly has a message.
  19. Qamra

    Who else can't wait to see Season 4 of Game of Thrones ??

    Oh yes let's not spoil it! I hated Robb's story too, I was really lost with that change. I wonder what else they will change, I don't think they will dare to show Cercei's walk!
  20. Qamra

    Do you like cooking?

    I love cooking but I'm lazy! How about you, do you enjoy cooking? What are your favourite dishes?