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Search results

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  1. F

    Do you still own a Nintendo gameboy?

    No gameboys, unfortunately, in my house. Although my son still wishes he had kept his.
  2. F

    Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens (635 Million Dollars Estimated?!)

    I never saw the movie. I have good memories of the original movies. I feel no need to see this one, even when it comes to television.
  3. F

    how old were you when you started riding a bike?

    I was in 4th or 5th grade. I taught myself to ride on an adult bike. My knees had serious road rash by the time I learnred, but at least I could now ride a bike.
  4. F

    Are There Any WWE Fans Here?

    When I was in middle school and high school, I watched. Now I have little interest on the WWE.
  5. F

    What phone would you like?

    I just bought a Galaxy j7 and I am beginning to really like it. The HD on it is great, surfing the internet is a breeze and there are so many games to download.
  6. F

    What browser are you using?

    My favorite browser is Google. It is so easy to use plus I can speak my search. Very Star Trek.
  7. F

    Your Favorite Animated Movie?

    That is a hard questionn as I like animated movies. Pets, Peter Pan, Zootopia, Lady and the Tramp are all good.
  8. F

    Does anyone use Amazon?

    I shop at Amazon mostly in April and in the months leading up to xmas. I have always had good luck getting my presents on time.
  9. F

    Jurassic World (Fastest movie to hit one billion dollars)

    There are many movies that are better than this one. I am surprised that this film has earned so much. I wonder in which country Jurassic earned the most money?
  10. F

    HD gaming health effects

    My teen is a big gamer. My concern is that he has become so sedentary and hss gained a lot of weight. I am also curious about HD and eye sight. It seems every year his eye glass prescription needs to become stronger.
  11. F

    Breaking bad hype!

    Breaking Bad has many memorable characters. But there are two characters that people remember even though they never spoke: the twins who wore steel tipped boots.
  12. F

    Why Robin Williams Will Be Remembered

    How sad that such a quick witted and imaginative person should die from a rare form of dementia. I am glad we have his movies to remind us how talented he was.
  13. F

    What phone would you like?

    I thought i wanted a new phone so i bougjt a samsung 7. It was a good price and was feeling pretty proud of myself. That is until i started learning how to use it. I thought this would be a great phone to have. It has great images, decent sound, good storage, snd a good camera. Then why do...
  14. F

    What phone would you like?

  15. F

    Favorite All time TV Show?

    This is a hard one. I guess it might be NCIS because of Michael Weatherly. Now, however, since he has left the show I don't know if it will be my favorite any more. If not, I guess I would replace it with Big Bang.
  16. F

    TV Shows!

    I watch a lot of TV. I watch Big Bang, Tiny Houses, Wendy Williams, The Middle......... I could go on. I also have Netflix which let me catch any shows I may have missed along the way.
  17. F

    What's your favorite sport?

    My favorite sports to watch is football. To play? none. I do not have an atheletic bone in my body.
  18. F

    Who is your favorite actor

    Two actors come to mind. The first is Vince D'onofrio who played Fisk in Daredevil. In every show I have seen him in, he plays a different character. The second actor is Mark Rufalo who plays the Hulk in the Ultron movie. That role did not do him justice. I watched him in Infinately Polar...
  19. F

    What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon??

    The original Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. I remember watching them while we ate breakfast. I remember my brother, who is 15 years older than I am, laughing at the cartoon. That is a good memory.
  20. F

    What websites do you browse?

    I browes a lot of websites: Amazon, Fashionmia, Walmart, Target, websites that involve dogs, and really, too, many to mention. If something enters my mind, I look it up on the internet.