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  1. Norjak71

    Which is the best Game series that you have played?

    GTA is the best for me. The amount of time and money invested in this series is remarkable for me. I still to this day never get tired of playing it and even pull out some of my old hardware and replay GTA 3 and Vice City.
  2. Norjak71

    What console offers the best racing games

    I'd go with PS4 right now, the games coming out especially Tourismo sport are way better than Forza.
  3. Norjak71

    Gran Turismo Sport can get you a real racer license

    That's something to look into but like you said this has to be a catch or something else involved. It is cool though that the game is that ultra-realistic.
  4. Norjak71

    Real world physics

    I think I read an article somewhere that Rockstar is working on real world physics for driving in the next installment. I can't even begin to describe how much I hope this is true.
  5. Norjak71

    Forza Motorsport 5 How realistic can it get?

    It's already pretty realistic if they bought it to PC it would be insane.
  6. Norjak71

    JC2's Grappling Hook As A GTA V Mod

    This would be perfect for online play as free roam seems to be someone gunning for you every second. Quick getaway. Also if you improved the range, latching onto a buzzard or hydra.
  7. Norjak71

    Would you buy a remastered Just Cause 2?

    I would. I also bought the remastered GTA V as well, so I figure I won't be disappointing myself as that was one of my favorite games at the time as well.
  8. Norjak71

    Need for Speed Rivals NFS fans, what did you guys think of the 2014 Need For Speed movie?

    It was fun to watch if you shut your brain off and just enjoy. Good entertainment.
  9. Norjak71

    Need for speed with real sim physics?

    What do you think the market would be for a Need for Speed or Midnight Club re-boot with real world driving physics like Project Cars or Dirt Rally? I for one would be the first in line. I love the simplicity of arcade type games but with the graphics the way they are now, if you are adding real...
  10. Norjak71

    Dirt Rally mpossible for me

    So I just got Dirt Rally for PC and it is INSANELY hard to handle these cars. I can understand real driving physics but oh my god this is nuts. I can't stay on the road for more than 5 seconds. I am using a controller, no wheel, but I see all these videos on Youtube of people that are just...
  11. Norjak71

    Rockstar summit

    So with a gaming conference coming up and Rockstar planning to be here are we finally going to get a bit of news on GTA 6? I understand with a company like Rockstar they can pretty much wait as long as they want and don't need some huge event to drop a piece of juicy news about their upcoming...
  12. Norjak71

    What subtle touch of this game made you go "wow, they really thought about everything"?

    I've always loved the air particles and I always make sure to have this setting on its highest which I believe is 'ultra', might be 'very high' though. Either way I love watching little particles flying throughout the environment, dust, grass, little specs of light. It really adds a nice element...
  13. Norjak71

    Game is dead?

    I wouldn't go as far to say that is dead but the game had so much potential and never really went above and beyond. The content never really go to a point where they were releasing new material and the updates were nearly non-existent and it made the community just ditch for the most part. It...
  14. Norjak71

    Should Rockstar Do a Cops Version?

    They had the vigilante mode in previous versions which I always loved and unless I haven't found it yet which I sincerely doubt they don't have this. They have mods out there that are like this but it would be nice to have a built in version of this. You could pull people over, arrest them, take...
  15. Norjak71

    Car combat dating sim racing game

    This could be one of those silly cult classic ideas that ends up working. Sometimes the simplest things end up working although it does seem like the thing that will get old very quickly. I might give it a try later. Customization and add-ons are key for a successful game or app and I don't...
  16. Norjak71

    Features from other GTAs you wish were in GTA V

    The idea you can re-customize your character is intriguing like with the weight gain. I have no problems with the character I created but I do feel that a lot of people have regrets over the way they created their character and would like to change them.
  17. Norjak71

    GTA 6 Racing wants/needs?

    Perhaps they will let certain aspects of GTA be modded without fear of a ban, like setting up a different server. Because racing is big time with a huge group of the fanbase so I'd like to see it get improved, just my 2 cents though.
  18. Norjak71

    Modders in GTA

    I did they just keep re-hashing the same thing over and over and refuse to tell me what I supposedly did wrong, mainly because they can't. It's okay I just bought another version of the game and when I get unbanned I'll have two accounts if something happens. The game is so cheap now and I play...
  19. Norjak71

    Tips on how to win a TON of races.

    Yeah when I create a post I like to add something very informative. I post a lot but I always make sure I can add something. The biggest thing is practice though, these tricks alone won't do you a lot of good if you don't race a lot. I've seen so many people wonder I'm so good, and how they...
  20. Norjak71

    Favourite heist so far?

    The pac standard is easily the best but the setups for all the heists are just the worst. They are so boring and time consuming.