Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Search results

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. Marcus

    How long did it take for you to pass your driving test?

    I'm going to be totally honest here, but I don't know how to drive. I'm 26 years old and I haven't even taken drivers ed yet, which is quite sad I suppose. I guess I just don't see the need in it, maybe I'm scared, I don't know. I want to learn to drive, but I have a paranoia about driving and...
  2. Marcus

    What is your favorite operating system?

    What is your favorite operating system? I use Ubuntu a lot these days, which is a distribution of Linux and I absolutely prefer it over Windows. Sad thing is I use Windows 8 on my school laptop and I hate it. Doesn't ever want to work right, but I'm afraid to install Ubuntu side by side with it...
  3. Marcus

    Your favorite of the series

    Which Forza game is your favorite in the series? I think 3 or 4 is my favorite of the bunch, that's where the series really got to it's peak I believe. I can't wait to see where 5 goes from there, and I really hope it's a really well done game, because if it takes away any good portions of past...
  4. Marcus

    Good shows that got cancelled

    Some good shows that got cancelled. One show that, many people should watch, is Pushing Daisies. It's a show about some dude who touches people and they come back to life, and when this happens it takes the life of someone he loves or knows. Anyways he can't touch the people he brings back to...
  5. Marcus

    Anyone going to see the Thor movie?

    I wasn't too big on Thor or any of the stories for the main crew of The Avengers. I mean Iron Man 1-3 were alright, but I couldn't get into Captain America and Thor. Then again I'm not a huge Marvel fan. The Hulk too, could care less for those movies.
  6. Marcus

    Government Shutdown

    I don't know most of the story, all I know is that this is bad and should be fixed soon. I don't get how we as a nation could get to this point, we're supposed to be the US of A and we're falling apart day by day. I suppose we'll get this all settled soon, but how long will it last once we get...
  7. Marcus

    flight simulators with racing included

    What are some good flight simulators that include racing? I don't recall any racing games that had planes and I was wondering if there is any? If so, can you guys share some with me? I would love to check them out as soon as possible.
  8. Marcus

    Government Shutdown

    So, how are you guys dealing with the Government shutdown? Do you think it will effect you? or will we get through this? I hear schools all around the nation will lose funding because of this and Cancer patients wont be able to get treatment because doctors can't do their treatment or something...
  9. Marcus

    Other games similar to Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing

    What are some other games similar to Mario Kart and Diddy Kong racing? I know there was a Crash Bandicoot racing, Jak and Daxter racing game, and I'm sure there's other similar games, but I can't think of any others. Can you? Would F-Zero count? I'm not too sure.
  10. Marcus

    Is the Wii U a failure?

    The Wii U hasn't done a really good job in the console market these days and I think it's safe to say Nintendo failed on this one. The Wii was a hugely successful console, thing is, they didn't do much else to make the Wii U jump ahead of current gen consoles. Do you think the Wii U is done...
  11. Marcus

    Need for Speed Rivals What should the next Need for Speed be?

    We don't know what we're getting just yet with NFS Rivals, we will soon. As for a sequel to this game, I expect it'll be about the same. This franchise hasn't changed much over the years and when something works, why change it? Right?
  12. Marcus

    PC Version

    It's not a confirmation just yet, but it's the next best thing. This means there's a big chance we will be seeing a PC port, and it'll be, hopefully, very soon. I'm going to wait for official word from Rockstar before I believe anything, so I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. I really can't...
  13. Marcus

    Gran Turismo 6 How many different cars will we see?

    Would be nice to see around 1000 cars this time around, and if that was possible, that'd be so cool. I suppose we'll get around 500 or so, maybe less, maybe more. I don't remember what 4 and 5 had, but it had to have been a lot.
  14. Marcus

    Foreign or American films?

    What is your choice of movie? Do you prefer a foreign movie or do you prefer an American made film? It's hard to decide, because I love my foreign films, but I also love my American films. Foreign films appeal to me more in some ways, because they're different in so many ways, the culture and...
  15. Marcus

    Do you go out on weekends?

    I'll go and hang out with friends and family every chance I can. Work takes up much of my time and my weekend is often full of work, but thankfully I don't always work every weekend so I spend most of my weekends at my parents house or hanging out with other family members. Some weekends I...
  16. Marcus

    What browser are you using?

    I'm a chrome guy for sure. I haven't been bothered to use Firefox in a long time, well unless Chrome is acting up and I'll use that for the time being. But for me, I prefer chrome. It's just faster and it's better suited for older PCs too. I will never again use Internet Explorer, never ever.
  17. Marcus

    Best cloud storage program?

    I save a lot of stuff and I'm running low on PC storage so I was wondering if there's any good cloud storage program/site/service I should look into? I already have Dropbox, but it's the free portion of it, only 2GB or so. Anyways, what other services are there? I will only be using the free...
  18. Marcus

    Good British shows?

    What are some really good British Shows? I'm a huge fan of The IT Crowd and I've watched the British version of The Office and I'm interested in checking out other good British shows, do you guys know of any good ones? Oh I've also watched Spaced and I love that show, any others?
  19. Marcus

    Minecraft is so over-rated

    I'm sorry, but I find Minecraft to be overly over-rated. It's a fun game for a while, but it gets seriously repetitive after a while. May of my friends got me to buy it and I got into it for a couple weeks, but the game drains you man, seriously, I have no interest in building anything anymore...
  20. Marcus

    Horror movies lame these days?

    I am not scare by any movies these days. It's weird, I think thrillers scare me more, maybe movies where someone is kept captive or something like that scares me more. Much of the American market of movies are usually the same to me. We see so many slasher, zombie movies, extreme gory movies...