Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. K

    What would you be playing if GTA didn't exist?

    Saint's Row would probably be my choice to go. SR3 so far has been what I've played the most from this series. So if GTA didn't exist, this would be it. It's a lot of nice fun for what is worth.
  2. K

    Which Character Did You Prefer?

    Trevor mostly. The guy is just plain hilarious and crazy, and is the epitome of not giving a damn about anything. What's not to like about that? He was the game changer for me when I first played it. I ended up enjoying the game a lot more with him than with Michael and Franklin. (Though if I...
  3. K

    GTA 5 Logic.

    More times than I can count. That tree is well known for his ruining your chances of winning antics. And is funny, because is always the same. Almost as if it had a damn magnet attached to it to make sure you don't win the race or you don't leave without receiving its natural blessing. So...
  4. K

    Favorite Character?

    My favorite is Rosalina. It's pretty much the only one I use except now for Link. Which I've been using a lot recently but no doubt I always end up going back to her. Her character and design appeals to me more so than the others.
  5. K

    Will you ever get tired of them?

    I don't think I will. Typically I spend a fair amount of time with it, but not so much to cause fatigue. To add more, each entry always bring some changes to keep it fresh, so it always get me to come back. The fun in this game is playing with friends or other people, so there's always that good...
  6. K

    Rainbow Road

    I loved it. The colors, the track itself and the music? Man, it's just a blast to play for me. While I don't find it that difficult myself, I can see why some would. And I gotta agree, it's good as a change of pace. But using it as a main style wouldn't hold up. That's why I love the variety of...
  7. K

    How Many Times Have The Cops Caught You?

    At most, five times and that's being generous because there's always something stupid or out of my control happening that oh so let them pop near by me and catch me. The always memorable person randomly passing by in front of me. But that's about it for arrests. Usually is just me either...
  8. K

    Everyone Wants to Be Link in Mario Kart 8 Online

    I'm not surprised everyone is on the Link train, and is well deserved the attention he is getting. I'm guilty as charged for the usage just as about everyone else, but who can say no to the hype train? That said, just watch it wear off after a while. Most will go back to their previous character...
  9. K

    Ground, Air or Water

    Although ground always have been my most preferred choice. The water areas have been plenty of fun for me, so it is pretty exciting to play on in my opinion. That said, the air has its own charm. Sometimes I just go for it for a change. Other than that though, ground will be my definite choice...
  10. K

    Gran Turismo 6 Do you get bored after a while?

    Like most have said, it can get pretty boring after while and more so if you know what to expect. That's why I find it useful to just switch around different types of games or genres to cool off and avoid the game boring me and getting repetitive. Sometimes it takes me awhile to get through the...
  11. K

    Do you play solo or with friends?

    This is the kind of game that no matter how I play it, whether alone or with friends, it is still an absolute blast. That said, most of the time I prefer to play it along with friends. Competition and the amount of laughs and fun it brings to the table, in my case, solo doesn't compare. It...
  12. K

    Link Comes With a Sweet Motorcycle in First Mario Kart 8 DLC

    This is very exciting news for me. Link has always been one of my favorite characters and to see him and that very sweet motorcycle? This takes the cake. Really looking forward to play him and that awesome looking motorcycle. Although the rest doesn't have the same level of attention from me...
  13. K

    Car or Bike?

    While bikes always have a special place in my heart, and are a lot of fun. I prefer to go mostly with cars. Sometimes there's so much going on that crashing in a bike every now and then turns more into an annoyance than a convenient choice. Cars solves the problem for me.
  14. K

    Running over pedestrians

    As cruel as it sounds, for some odd reason running them over or sending pedestrians flying turns into minutes of absolute hilarity and plenty of fun. So much that I forget all about the main mission and just take my time, doing pretty much that, running people over and laughing about it. It...