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Search results

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  1. B

    does anyone still watch simpsons?

    I think its fair to say that simpsons is more for adults than kids so I was wondering if any of you adults still watch it or maybe you never watched it as a child but now you watch it as a adult. Yes I do watch it when l'm at home and l'm bored.:)
  2. B

    Can you put down laminate flooring?

    I recently bought some laminate flooring and I plan to put it down myself! I'll be going online to get instructions if I get stuck but that's it just me and my instruction sheet and tools:) lf I make mess I might take a picture and post it online:( but l'm confident enough so has anyone taken on...
  3. B

    Any snow by you yet?

    The UK is going to get snow this november if you listen to the weather man so my eyes are glued to the sky everyday, one minute its raining and the next minute the sun is shining even though its cold. Maybe people will get a white christmas after all.
  4. B

    Bloody bonfire night!

    I will be so glad when its over, spending £20-50 on a box of fireworks is like watching your money go up in smoke literally, l will not be doing it next year or the year after that's it! I was going to have a bonfire but I couldnt be bothered with collecting all the rubbish to burn.
  5. B

    Does your work do christmas parties?

    My workplace has decided to do away with parties this year apparantly its a money saving thing, l don't live for these parties but its nice when the company puts on a good knees up at christmas time. Your thoughts please.....
  6. B

    Did anyone do the Adults halloween parties?

    I was invited to one but I couldn't make it, it sounded like it was going to be fun but I had to work, did anyone go to on?
  7. B

    Spy drama: 24 vs Spooks

    I prefer spooks because it is like you said more thought provoking, 24 is full of action but the stories are not as strong as the spooks. I did watch 24 when it first came on and then I got bored.
  8. B

    Gravity.... Sandra Bullock and George Clooney

    No I have not seen it yet but it looks good, l think l'll wait for it to come out on dvd though.
  9. B

    star wars, episdoe vii....

    Maybe the direction was completly wrong and they didn't want to risk any sort of backlash, l'm looking forward to the next installment and the next batch of new actors and actresses that will be in this film.
  10. B

    Looking forward to anything?

    I'm looking forward to christmas, getting drunk and eating all the food! I don't get presents anymore so this is my only thrill:)
  11. B

    Like or Hate

    Like Money as l can buy what l want when I need it:)
  12. B

    speaking of michael bay...

    WHAT! They kept that quiet as l've not heard of that one, l wonder what the real story is behind it is? hmmmmm maybe someone was offended.
  13. B

    Do you like cooking?

    I love cooking a meal from scratch and l love trying new dishes, stir frys are the easiest and casseroles is another favourite of mine. Sweet potatoe casserole yummy:)
  14. B

    Do you have a hot drink before you go out?

    I have to have a hot drink before I go out In the morning if not I end up with a headache, do any of you have a hot drink before going out?
  15. B

    What if we had no gravity during the day?

    Can you imagine a life were we have no gravity for three hours a day? That would be so crazy and everything would have to be strapped down:) l wouldn't want a car dropping on me after the three hour gravity zone has ended:)
  16. B

    Can you play a music instrument?

    I tried to play the clarinet when I was in school but it didn't last long, can any of you play an instrument?
  17. B

    Marmite anyone?

    Marmite is disgusting and l'm surprised anyone still likes it:( I tried it once when I was a kid and I never tried it again so is there any marmite lovers here.
  18. B

    Have you ever bought a website?

    The last time I bought a website was three years ago, it was a chocolate website that had adsense on it but I didn't have time to make it work so I left it. I'm looking at buying a website now so l'm on Flippa quite a lot now, does anyone own there own website.
  19. B

    Does anyone watch music shows on television?

    Thanks letting me know about much music, l'll be checking it out:)
  20. B

    Time to for new blood to come through ( film directors )

    Are you sick of seeing the same old film directors? I am but it seems like the old guard have Hollywood on lock and not much fresh blood is coming through. The only way fresh blood comes through is if a unknown film makes it to one of the film festivals and people are raving about it. What's...