Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. B

    Not really enjoying GTA 5 online

    And now I'm left wondering what you did. Please tell me!!!
  2. B

    What's your favorite Mario Kart weapon/powerup?

    I'm going to keep it oldschool, and go for the mushrooms. I love being able to speed past my competitors, getting that extra bit of speed before hitting a ramp or driving over rough terrain at a quicker pace to take a shortcut. I'm a fan of the shells too when they aren't directed towards me...
  3. B

    Would you want to see Mario Kart as a multiplatform game

    This is definitely something I'd like to see, but it's something that I don't ever actually expect to see. Nintendo giving its competitors access to the mario franchise would be equal to waving the white flag in surrender, because that would all but bankrupt Nintendo. Its exclusives is pretty...
  4. B

    Mario Kart Overrated?

    I don't think he was suggesting Mario Kart is overrated, but Mario himself. If I'm right, then I wholey agree with you. They milk the franchise for everything it's got, releasing spin off after spin off based on this Italian plumber. I'm not saying that the games aren't good, most of them are...
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    First arcade racing game you played

    I actually can't recall the first arcade racing game I played. I used to have a go on the one in the cinema every time we went there as children, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called. Out of the racing games I do remember though, I think my first arcade one would have to be...
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    Classic Racing Game That Needs to be Rebooted

    Not too sure if it fits into this category, but I'd love to see Cel Damage Overdrive rebooted. I'm a huge fan of arcadish racing, even with cartoon characters and worlds, and this game for the PS2 was by far one of my favourites. I enjoyed every single character in the game, the races were...
  7. B

    What view do you prefer?

    Third person, without a doubt. I've never been much of an advocate of first person games, whether ti be driving, shooting, or just basic adventure games. I just can't get into them, they don't interest me, they aggravate and annoy me, and basically just ruin the gaming experience for me. I...
  8. B

    Not really enjoying GTA 5 online

    To be honest, I think GTA Online is better suited for those who have friends to play with . It can be daunting to step into a free world at level one, only to get mobbed by high levelled players who are griefing the lobby. Personally, if you're going to play alone, I think the best option for...
  9. B

    Do You Like The Cars?

    I'm not really bothered by their appearance that much. Sure, it's fun to drive around in a car that I could never afford in real life, but at the end of the day, I'm going to wreck that car to pieces by crashing it into everything I run into, so it doesn't really matter what it looks like. haha.
  10. B

    Who turns off their radio while roaming?

    I love the music in the game, it's one of my favourite thing about driving around online and offline. The only time I'll ever put the radio off is if I'm in the middle of a scenario quest and there's a character in my car trying to converse with me. Otherwise, it's radio mirror park all the way...
  11. B

    Does GTA always have the same main character?

    I partially agree with most of the posts made here, but I just can't agree that not EVERY gta game has the same main character. Let's be honest, most of the characters are in the same situation. whether they've been in prison,or in a gang. I don't understand how people can think Franklin was...
  12. B

    Do you play solo or with friends?

    I'd like to be able to play with friends, but not many of them have a Wii U, so I settle to playing alone or with randoms. I think I prefer playing on my own in single player though, especially when there are people over to join in.
  13. B

    Fave Mk to date

    I'll have to go with Mario Kart 7. I like the console games, I really do, but I've always prerfered handhelds to consoles, and that usually goes for the games as well. Mario Kart 7 was great fun, and it helped that I had friend to play it with, which isn't the same for the WiiU. I'd definitely...
  14. B

    Car or Bike?

    I really like them both. Driving on a bike gives me more freedom as I can pretty much go anywhere, and fast at that, but if a car swerves out of nowhere, or something gets into my path, and I end up crashing, it's pretty much always going to be certain death, and that puts me off them, so I...
  15. B

    Running over pedestrians

    Personally, I prefer crashing off the side of a cliff and landing on the roof of a house, or crashing full speed into another car and watching as we both go flying across the map. I'm not opposed to running down a civilian or two though, I won't try to avoid them, if they're in my way, they're...
  16. B

    What are you looking forward to most in the next gen release of GTA 5

    Definitely looking forward to the new and improved graphics to the game, as well as the extra added content. It'll be interesting to see what new songs are on the stations, what the new weapons/cars are, and the new missions if there'll be any. I'm definitely going to be picking it up close to...
  17. B

    How many hours have you clocked in ?

    I've played the story mode twice to the end and am currently mid way through it again. Ive owned the game since release and I've played online at least 6 houts a week, so I've played it a lot, and I have no regrets.
  18. B

    Racing Games That Bored You

    I used to be a huge fan of Gran Tourismo when I was younger, and I played it a lot with my dad, but with age it just lost its appeal for me. I can't play the game for more than two minutes now without getting bored of it. I'm not too sure why, maybe I only really liked Gran Tourismo since I...
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    Do you prefer more realistic games (a la Gran Turismo), or more arcadey games (a la Burnout 3/4)?

    I'd definitely have to pick arcade racing games. I've never been much of a fan of realistic racing games. I know it might seem a little sadistic, but my favourite thing to do in racing games is crash my car in the most spectacular, destructive way that I possibly can, and that tends to be a lot...
  20. B

    What's your favorite thing to do in GTA Online?

    Usually I just play missions with my friends, although I enjoy being in free mode every now and again to do my own thing. I still have all my cars/weapons/appartments that I purchased with the 'hacked bounty money', and I like to mess around with them every now and again. Nothing is more fun...