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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. T

    Street Fighter V

    I'm still having a hard time believing Sony was able to make this system exclusive to the PS4. From the two videos they've showed us the game looks pretty good. I'm more worried in how Capcom makes this game a DLC hell like their other fighting games.
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    Who's excited for Silent Hills?

    Heck, after Metal Gear Solid 5, we'll be lucky if Konami even stays in the game business let alone make another Silent Hill anything. But I guess the writing was on the wall with this one with Kojima having a falling out with the executives.
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    Have you ever played 4 player split screen racing?

    Mario Kart and Street Racer are the two I remember playing like that. And I remember hating it like none other because of everyone looking at each others' screens. Basically screen cheating. Thank god for online gaming in that regard lol.
  4. T

    Does anyone want Evolution to make a new Motorstorm?

    Yeah but for a semi casual game, the difficulty level was extreme. I don't think I've had a more difficult time beating the computer on any racing games than I did the Motorstorm series. That was one of the reasons DriveClub's AI was so tough. They used the same kind of rubber band AI that...
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    F1 2015 Joins Project Cars, Will Have 1080P Resolution On Sony PS4

    From a commercial standpoint, yes I would say it sort of is "all or nothing". But they have nobody but themselves to blame for that being the case. That's what happens when you constantly advertise the game as "the best car game ever to be made". And then for years keep feeding the media...
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    Gran Turismo 6 Do you think the next Gran Turismo will match Forza's Graphics

    An updated engine from last generation wouldn't cut it just to put it on par with Forza 5. Polphony is making a new programming engine specific to the PS4. Which is what they should do. They'd be leaving so much raw horse power unused if they just updated the GT6 engine anyway.
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    Do you feel DriveClub does DLC right?

    The idea of dlc has been a hot topic from the moment the idea was conceived. Many of us feel that we're purposely given incomplete games so that companies can get extra out of us with it. Even though that's true, some companies take the time to make genuine dlc that wasn't cut out of the...
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    Rockstar Shutting Down Mods

    This is getting really bad. I was just reading an article where people are reporting even single player mods are getting them bad. If that's true, I REALLY hope it's just a mistake on Rockstar's part. Because it would be a crying shame if that was purposely done.
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    F1 2015 Joins Project Cars, Will Have 1080P Resolution On Sony PS4

    Well, if Project Cars doesn't live up to the hype at least in terms of sales, we can see yet one more developer go out of business. For as long as this game was in development, that's good amount of money that needs to be recouped. And the problem isn't even the media that hyped it alone. The...
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    Gran Turismo 6 Do you think the next Gran Turismo will match Forza's Graphics

    They have no choice but to make it look as great as humanly possible on the PS4. Even if Forza didn't exist, the pressure to perform would be sadistically high.
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    What happened to Contra?

    Contra, like most of Konami's franchises may just die out. Right now, Konami is in all sorts of financial trouble. Not to mention the in fighting that's been going on for years. If we get another Contra, we'll be lucky
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    F1 2015 Joins Project Cars, Will Have 1080P Resolution On Sony PS4

    It's nice that it will be 1080p. But I have to be honest here I have yet to ever play a game and say to myself "wow look at that resolution". I'm a Playstation fan and even I'm saying big deal about resolution. What I care about is if these games are actually any good. F1 games are hit/miss...
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    Rockstar Shutting Down Mods

    While that sucks, I can understand to some extent. People have been using mods to cause all sorts of havoc online on GTA. But at the same time, mods were a big reason as to why people wanted the game in the first place for the computer. So shutting down mods kills arguably the biggest selling...
  14. T

    Are you expecting many glitches with the PC version?

    Honestly, I expect a ton of glitches for the computer version of this game. Even the home system versions have plenty. But when you take into account the modding functions of the personal computer version, you can be sure all sorts of madness will be about. In fact, dare I say some of the...
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    Gran Turismo 6 To Repetitive?

    A better question is what racing game doesn't get repetitive? As much content as GT6 has it can't be any more or less repetitive than current racing games out there.
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    China Has Need For Need For Speed Sequel, Nobody Else Does

    Well it makes sense, China was one of the few countries the movie did well. Not just that, it's being made specifically for China anyway when you see they're looking to use Chinese acting talent. Most of the audience in China isn't used to many big blockbuster movies. Which is why garbage like...
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    The Crew Should i get it or no?

    Depending on what system you play on, I'd wait for a sale regardless. It's not the worst game in the world. But this game really just isn't worth getting at full price. Especially now since it's been out for over four months. Plus from what I've played, the community is starting to fade. Which...
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    Is Sony backing this more than Gran Turismo?

    DriveClub is a new game on a new system. So of course Sony is going to push it harder at the moment because that's the one currently available. When GT7 arrives you know they'll put out all the stops to make that game get noticed. Make no mistake, if both were out at the same time, Gran...
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    Project CARS

    I hope for their sake's the game is good. Because it was announced back when GT5 and Forza 4 were new games. Considering we've had 1 more GT game and 3 more Forza games since, the game better be extremely good. It's been in development way too long for it not to be.
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    Does anyone want Evolution to make a new Motorstorm?

    Motorstorm was one of the PS3's premiere racing games. The arcade style off-road racing game has had three iterations as well as a psp counterpart. But when the PS4 was announced, Evolution to that as a chance to make a new game rather than a new Motorstorm. That new game they made turned out to...