Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Search results

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. T

    Is music important in a racing game?

    First of all it depends on what type of music. I don't mind driving without it, as long there are sound effects I'm good to go. The answer to your question, music is not that important for me while playing a racing game.
  2. T

    Running over pedestrians

    Running over pedestrians, and punching pedestrians; all in good fun. Oh, and don't forget bumping into them.
  3. T

    Do you play GTA Online?

    I enjoy online interactive games. I told myself I would finish GTA 4 before moving into the 5 but I haven't played any games recently, too busy with a popular MOBA game.
  4. T

    Games you can't finish?

    Grant Theft Auto for me. I see a few of you are sharing the same sentiment. The reason I can't finish is because I can't complete some Missions. Its just sitting there in my computer taking up space.