Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. FuZyOn

    If your still on the fence about buying Read Me

    Good points, I feel like people are way too quick to judge a game and don't even pay attention to details. I personally like Ride 2, even though it could've obviously been better.
  2. FuZyOn

    Chаsing Wоrld Rесоrds

    I wish the developers would just take a little bit of time and purge the leaderboards, it's always nice to compare your time with others but if it's filled with cheaters it's pointless. They could do something like this monthly and it would still be fine.
  3. FuZyOn

    I'm having a problem playing this game.

    Definitely some compatibility issues, I have a top of the line computer and Ride 2 stutters from time to time, even though nothing overheats on my end. I think they need to work on functionality a little bit.
  4. FuZyOn

    Anyоnе try WRС 6?

    I thought WRC 6 was going to be a little more innovative since the whole genre is stalling at the moment. I think the game is fine, I like the controls and the graphics are an improvement. Dirt is definitely hard to beat.
  5. FuZyOn

    How long did you take to get the hang of it.

    It took me a couple of weeks to be good at the game, but after a few days I was pretty decent and managed to get respectable times on laps. It's really hard to master MXGP2 though.
  6. FuZyOn

    How would you improve MXGP2

    The character movement can be greatly improved, sometimes it feels like a piece of jello that bounces from left to right when steering, not natural at all. The physics in general I think need to be updated.
  7. FuZyOn

    What's the closest game you could compare this to?

    Why don't you show him a video of the game to see if he likes it or not? I know it's not the same thing as playing the game but you can still get an idea about the gameplay, graphics and physics. A quick search on Youtube should do the trick.
  8. FuZyOn

    Tips on how to win a TON of races.

    I think it depends on the game as well. I've played a lot of Forza and Formula 1 so I'm experienced in racing, but I still suck on GTA V because I don't do a lot of races here and I'm not used to the physics and gameplay. It definitely takes a while to understand how the game "flows".
  9. FuZyOn

    GTA 6 Racing wants/needs?

    It depends, modders are unable to modify the physics of the game so it's not something to look forward to, but Rockstar could be more lenient when it comes to modding. GTA releases take years in between so it's only good for them.
  10. FuZyOn

    Modders in GTA

    That's pretty sad, what I would do as a last resort is tweet with their @ and complain about your issue. No company likes bad publicity so you have a higher chance of being heard if you do this. You'll need some retweets and/or favorites though.
  11. FuZyOn

    MXGP2 wishlist

    It's the best in the genre in my opinion but that doesn't say much, the game does need work and I'm sure the modding community will do their best to add stuff. That being said, they can't change the gameplay and the physics of the game so we'll have to wait for MXGP3 for that.
  12. FuZyOn

    tablet racing app

    I think Asphalt 8 is better in terms of graphics but the gameplay is definitely better on Real Racing 3. I've been playing it for a long time now and I haven't deleted it yet, there are a lot of races and cars so unless you're hacking it's hard to be bored.
  13. FuZyOn

    F1 2013 Unwanted steering assistance: Does it bother you too?

    There's probably a way to turn it off or a mod that does the job, but when I was playing this game I didn't know about all these things and I didn't bother searching online. The logical thing to do is to have it on on the lower difficulties and have it off on the harder ones.
  14. FuZyOn

    What changes to this game would you like to see in Mario Kart 9?

    They can do air, underground, water etc. races and I'm sure people wouldn't mind, maybe they can add those as DLC if they want to keep the vanilla game oriented around the kart.
  15. FuZyOn

    Tips on how to win a TON of races.

    I.. didn't expect this much information when I opened the thread, but it surely comes in handy since I've been losing a lot of my races in GTA V lately. The most helpful thing I do is learning the secret paths on the race.
  16. FuZyOn

    tablet racing app

    Real Racing 3 is my favorite racing game on Android. Free, made by a reputable company (EA) and the single player mode is really addicting. I also love the cars in the game. :D
  17. FuZyOn

    Pocket Rally LITE

    Pocket Rally seems like a fun little game to play when you're bored, I tried it out because you mentioned it and I'm enjoying playing it so far. I'm contemplating purchasing the full version.
  18. FuZyOn

    Modders in GTA

    Rockstar has started banning people for no reason at all but they're turning a blind eye to the hackers for some reason. I suggest writing a ticket if your account was banned, they will release the punishment after they make some check-ups.
  19. FuZyOn

    Features from other GTAs you wish were in GTA V

    I'd have loved to see gang wars and that hood feeling San Andreas had, I liked how detailed the stealing missions and heists were but I'm starting to miss the gangster part of GTA.
  20. FuZyOn

    GTA 6 Racing wants/needs?

    I think the physics need to be improved because racing doesn't feel as realistic as it is in games like Forza or GT Turismo, but I highly doubt they'll improve racing that much since it's not the focus of the game. They're probably happy with the current level.