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  1. JoshPosh

    Superlative Сasual Dating - Authentic Damsels

    Make dating stress-free and enjoyable with the best casual dating experience. Verified Women Outstanding casual Dating
  2. JoshPosh

    Search Pretty Girls in your city for night

    Pretty Girls in your town
  3. JoshPosh

    @pump_upp - best crypto pumps on telegram ! - best crypto pumps on telegram Make 1000% and more within 1 day, join channel @pump_upp !
  4. JoshPosh

    @pump_upp - best crypto pumps on telegram ! - best crypto pumps on telegram Make 1000% and more within 1 day, join channel @pump_upp !
  5. JoshPosh

    Gаmе Mоdеs

    How did you pull of 9 hours of gaming? I think I would get frustrated and stop for awhile especially as you've said, you suck at it and only won once. That alone would make me walk away for a bit or at least try to learn the controls better.
  6. JoshPosh

    Track prices a little too expensive...yes or no?

    Or better yet, go check the cracks of your sofa and the shelf near the laundry machine. You might be able to raise the $7 bucks to buy the tracks. Use money that you won't miss.
  7. JoshPosh

    Mоtосrоss Mаdnеss

    Well check the video of MM2. This is not a simulation. It is a arcade style game as most of these jumps cannot be landed. If you did you would break your hips or back upon impact.
  8. JoshPosh

    Using cheats.

    Exactly. You buy a game for the challenge. Cheats are just that. You bypass the challenge for instant gratification.
  9. JoshPosh

    Just gоt thе gаmе аnd I аlrеаdy fоund bugs in thе first 30 minutеs...

    If there isn't a collective vote on what the bugs are, they fall on deaf ears. If only 100 people actually report a bug to the powers that be, nothing will happen and they will write it off as just personal opinion and not actual bugs in the game.
  10. JoshPosh

    my саrrеr mоdе just сrаshеs thе gаmе!

    So which is your problem? I counted 3 threads so far about not being able to download the game. Another about not being able to make a account. Now, the games is playable, but crashes.
  11. JoshPosh

    Dеmо nоr thе full gаmе purсhаsе will lоаd аftеr dоwnlоаd plеаsе hеlp

    Contact support for some kind of resolution. It's either they address the problem or you get a refund for non delivery. Plain and simple. Contact legit representatives and not strangers in a forum.
  12. JoshPosh


    Maybe you shouldn't have made so many accounts. One account should suffice and if it didn't work contact their support to fix the problem. Adding more accounts will only be counter productive. If they couldn't get the first one to work, what makes you think the 10th one in succession will go...
  13. JoshPosh

    Why hаvе sеrvеr mаintеnаnсе еvеry Tuе. If yоur nоt fixing gаmе???

    You need to ask them that. There are hundreds, if not thousands of forums of video games. No way they can look and read all the bugs that we find. If you find a bug report to them directly, as they most likely will not be able to satisfy everyone and read ever thread made on this game alone...
  14. JoshPosh

    MXGP Nоt оpеning

    Contact support and see if they have a solution for you. Might be something minute and can be fixed in a minute or two. I just hope they get back to you as soon as they can.
  15. JoshPosh

    MXGP2 wishlist

    I have played other games that had this "mini game" built in. Where you build up your character slowly and then get upgrades. Not like a RPG. But it adds value to the game. My first encounter with this concept was a boxing game awhile back on the Dreamcast. The training session had small...
  16. JoshPosh

    Gаmеshаrе ps3?

    There's a copy of the first MXGP floating around on the internet somewhere. I seen awhile ago you just need to google search it. It will pop up.
  17. JoshPosh

    Would You Turn On Rider Aids?

    I'd probably play the game as is, and only play with the aid on to unlock anything this is unlockable. I have a habit of doing that. You get more value out of the game that way.
  18. JoshPosh


    How about old school Road Rash punches and kicks to your opponents. That would be something different. A throw back to the old school EA games.
  19. JoshPosh

    Prоblеms with соntrоls

    The issue may be that you are use to other games physics. This one has its own sensitivity and like in real life especially on dirt tracks, mud/dirt will not have the same turning effect as tarmac.
  20. JoshPosh

    Do you think MXGP2 is better then MXGP

    It is better, but I still don't like it. I just dislike it less then the original. I played a total of 30 minutes on the first one and 5 on the second. I'm not interested.