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Search results

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  1. I

    Do you have any pets?

    Yeah! I just recently got a Yorkshire Terrier. Shes a little ball of energy and the cutest dog ever!
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    Best Racing Games on Steam

    Yeah you should. Its a great game!
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    Test Drive Unlimited 2

    This game is really great. I love the free roam and the cars are awesome! You really can customize everything you want. I'd really recommend it! Here's a trailer-
  4. I

    Favorite movie?

    Whats your all time favorite movie? I absolutely love Inception. How about you guys?
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    Best zombie games

    Hmm I'll agree with Hemingway, Dead Island is probably the best zombie game.
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    What console do you play on?

    I used to love PS3 but since I got my new laptop I have been loving it! Its great to be able to bring your games anywhere you want. Plus the graphics are much much better than console.
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    Favourite EVER game (any platform)

    Yeah tough question but I'd say Metal Gear Solid (because I played it all my childhood), Hitman, Battlefield, Counter Strike Global Offensive, and Minecraft. I have a feeling once I get Far Cry 3 and Watch Dogs they will beat the other games I listed.
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    Worst game you have ever played

    The worst game I ever played was probably on my phone and it was supposed to be a shooter but it was the worst game I've ever seen.
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    Will you be one of the new consoles right away?

    I'll only think about getting the PS4 once it comes down to a reasonable price. I know it's new but that's still pretty expensive.
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    Best Racing Games on Steam

    Hmm I'm not sure if its on steam but one of the best racing games in my opinion is Test Drive Unlimited 2. You can get it on PC or PS3 if you'd like. I love that you can just drive around and its all multiplayer so you'll see other players as well.
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    Where are you from?

    I live in Pennsylvania and people in the states looooove to game.
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    How much do you spend on games in a year?

    I buy around 5-10 games per year depending on what is coming out.. Also if there is a new console released that year chances are I'll buy that and about 5 games to get me started.
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    I'm iShootRocks and the first game that really got me into racing games were the old Gran Turismos.