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Search results

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  1. FosterTXT

    What Do You Do With Your Old Consoles?

    I still have mostly every game console that I have ever owned, some are even still hooked up. Like for example, I still have my original Xbox and PlayStation 1 hooked up and I play them pretty often. Old game consoles can still be a lot of fun to play if you give the games a chance and not judge...
  2. FosterTXT

    Robbing stores?

    Ever since I started playing the original Grand Theft Auto, I always hoped that there would be a feature included in the game that would allow me to rob an actual store that was in the game. Now that the feature is finally here, I abuse it like no ones business. I will admit though it is...
  3. FosterTXT

    Running over pedestrians

    Lol! Running over pedestrians has been one of my favorite things to do in Grand Theft Auto, ever since the release of Grand Theft Auto III for the PlayStation 2. Running over pedestrians has never been more fun since Grand Theft Auto 5 has been released. The physics are much more accurate...
  4. FosterTXT

    GTAV coming to PS4, Xbone and PC.

    I have been waiting for Rockstar to release Grand Theft Auto 5 on the PC for what seems like a lifetime. I can't wait to mod the hell out of it. I am going to download texture packs and weapon mods the most. I just hope they don't do a poor job porting the game from a console to a PC like they...
  5. FosterTXT

    Who is the better protagonists?

    My favorite protagonist out of all the Grand Theft Auto games that have been released, would definitely have to be CJ from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. I honestly couldn't tell you why I liked him so much more than all of the other protagonists in the Grand Theft Auto series. I think it might...
  6. FosterTXT

    Cable or Direct TV?

    I think I would much rather go with direct tv over cable. I have never had cable before, so I think I would just stick with what I already know. Besides, cable doesn't cost much less where I am from.
  7. FosterTXT

    Would you rather have to sit all day or stand all day?

    I would much rather sit all day than stand all day. I couldn't imagine standing all day. My feet and back would be killing me if I were to stand all day.
  8. FosterTXT

    Whats the best thing that happened to you this week?

    The best thing to happen to me this week is seeing my older brother. He moved up to Houston about a month ago and he came to visit for the weekend. It was very nice having him here.
  9. FosterTXT

    Racing games vs real life driving

    I would say I am a good driver. I do think that playing racing games has taught me a few things, like never drive 200 MPH towards oncoming traffic lol. Racing games have also taught me how to be a responsible driver.
  10. FosterTXT

    Do You Still Play Old GTA Games?

    I do still play the older Grand Theft Auto's. Just last night I was playing Grand Theft Auto: Liberty Stories on the PSP. The only difference between GTA games are graphics and a few features, other than that they play exactly the same.
  11. FosterTXT

    If you had $10 million would you still go to work or school?

    If I had 10 million dollars I would invest in a number of things. I don't have a lot of needs so 10 million dollars will definitely last me. Work and school suck, of course I wouldn't go if I didn't have to.
  12. FosterTXT

    What websites do you browse?

    There are a few different web sites that I like to visit on a daily basis. The first website I usually go to is YouTube. The next site that I go to is usually Toms Hardware.
  13. FosterTXT

    What kind of television have you got?

    I have a few televisions around my house, but my pride and joy is a 63 inch 1080p LED TV from Samsung. I mostly play video games on it and I have to say that it make's console look great. Whenever I go over to a friends to play games on their TV and it is just not the same.
  14. FosterTXT

    What phone would you like?

    If I could have any phone it would be the new Samsung Galaxy S5. I find the phone to be very attractive and it offers the type of performance I would be more than pleased with. I am actually looking for a good deal on one at the moment.
  15. FosterTXT

    Mac or PC?

    I prefer a PC over Mac mostly because there are much more games released on the PC than the Mac. I also prefer a PC because I am already familiar on how to use it. I find Macs to be strange to navigate through.
  16. FosterTXT

    Will Mario Kart 8 increase the sales of Wii U?

    With the release of Mario Kart 8, I can definitely see people picking up the Wii U just to play the game. I don't think it is going to be anything substantial, but any sale would help Nintendo at this point.
  17. FosterTXT

    Do you care about the story?

    I do care about the quality of a story in a game. I feel that a good storyline is key in most games just because it can make or break a game. I don't care so much about a good story line in racing games as I just like to race.
  18. FosterTXT

    Best Mission That You Played In GTA 5?

    My favorite Grand Theft Auto V mission was thee last one, where you have to decide whether you want to kill Trevor or Franklin or to try your luck on a death wish. I felt that this added a lot to the main story.
  19. FosterTXT

    Not really enjoying GTA 5 online

    I personally love Grand Theft Auto V online. I can not not get enough of it to be perfectly honest. It seems like there are endless activities to do with your friends. I find it hard to believe that anyone would not like GTA V online.
  20. FosterTXT

    NASCAR 14 Which do you prefer to use?

    I also prefer the PlayStation over the Xbox. I like the PlayStation better just because you can play online for free and the graphics are usually a bit more detailed on the PlayStation, depending on what game you are playing.