Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. J

    Why are there no fat prostitutes or strippers?

    Well It's strange that someone would take notice of this. After all the game is suppose to depict real life situations. I hope they will include them in the future for those who like to have size diversity when picking up prostitutes.
  2. J

    Your thoughts on the "more graphic" sex scenes?

    GTA 5 is a fair enough depiction of what really happens in the world with a few exagerations here and their. It is the responsibility of adults to teach children what is the acceptable way regarding sex. No parent can be so vigilant to know what takes place in the life of a child 24 hours per...
  3. J

    What Do You Think Of Lohan's GTA V Lawsuit?

    Well thats what you get when you become a drugged up alcoholic, who is desperately trying to stay relevant in a cruel business that only caters to the young and beautiful. Lohan acting career has long since been removed from life support and what remains is but an act of desperation to remain...
  4. J

    Mario Kart Overrated?

    Mario Kart is is one of the best games, It has really lived up to my expectations. I hope they will release a new Mario Kart soon.
  5. J

    Would you want to see Mario Kart as a multiplatform game

    This is a really good idea, but I don't think Nintendo will actually do this.
  6. J

    How many of you use laptops for gaming?

    I also use a laptop for gaming, HP Pavilion g series dual core and AMD RADEON graphics. Really good but it gets hot when gaming.
  7. J

    Do you think GTA V is missing any particular types of vehicles?

    Well so far, I think GTA 5 has included all possible modes of transportation. Unless they could come up with a warp drive and d make teleportation that would make things really interesting.
  8. J

    Need for Speed Rivals Too many NFS titles?

    Well, of course there are too many need for speed titles. clearly this is EA attempt of remaining relevant. However I think need all titles basically features racing which becomes boring after a time. Need not sure what they will try next as it would seem to me that they are running out of...
  9. J

    Link Is In Mario Kart 8 With A Sword

    A sword does it give him an additional advantage. I think it'a a bit over the top. I thik it should give him an addtional power up advantage.
  10. J

    Batman: Arkham Knight Out June 2, Batmobile Edition Announced

    Well I an not really a big fan of dark games, but this looks intresting. Batman has been a childhood favourite. Just hope this will live up to expectations action and superior graphics.
  11. J

    Batman: Arkham Knight Out June 2, Batmobile Edition Announced

    Well you know the Batman franchise has a hardcore following, I am generally not a big fan of dark games but this is somthing to look forward to. I hope it will live up to expectations, of super action and superior graphics.
  12. J

    Mercedes Reveals New Mario Kart Trailer

    Could it be that they are trying to get children from early to develop a liking to their cars. These guys have all the best marketers in the corner showing them what to do.
  13. J

    Mercedes Reveals New Mario Kart Trailer

    This sounds like a super advertising gig for Mercedes. Not that I am hostile to the concept but, how much of a true to concept can Mercedes get into a kart in Mario Kart.
  14. J

    Ground, Air or Water

    I like playing in the air an on the ground. The air offers a unique experience while the grounds provides familiarity.
  15. J

    Is the Mario Kart franchise running out of creative ideas?

    There is always something new to add. How about Mario Kart in space. I think using the coins to purchase items is an excellent idea. They could also use coins to unlock worlds or buy super cool weapons or add special powerups to the vehicle.
  16. J

    Will you be buying the DLC?

    I am still not sure as to whether or not I am going to buy. I would like to have someone else buy it and give me an honest feedback before trying it. I like the video though.
  17. J

    Do you like the aircrafts in GTA V?

    The aircrafts add an intresting perspective to the game. It would be nice however to have some thing more to do tahn just flying around. Such as setting up a drug bust operation or raiding a coke farm.
  18. J

    Running over pedestrians

    Well, I must say that at first the idea of running over pedestrians proved disturbing, not that this has changed but, there are instances in which running over pedestrians is quite unavoidable. I strongly believe that the game should include the option to disable pedestrians as this would remove...
  19. J

    Would You Still Play If It Was Only Racing?

    No, what makes GTA fun is the fact that there are so many different scenarios that you take part in. For the most part, regular racing games are just regular there is not a whole lot that you can do apart from racing, which becomes boring after a time.
  20. J

    Do you think GTA V is missing any particular types of vehicles?

    Well I can't think of any missing vehicles. But I would love to see maybe some military vehicles and for the long shot say possibly some air craft fighter jets and those special unmanned spy planes they often use to carry out air strikes. That to me would be really interesting an unmanned plane...