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  1. K

    Can you swim?

    I think it is odd too when people do not know how. I used to swim like crazy when I was little. I havent done it in a few years but of course I would still know how. I'd be so worried to go around pools or oceans or lakes if I didnt know how to swim.
  2. K

    Racing Games That Bored You

    I agree with NASCAR. I think part of it may have to do with the expectations that I used to have for it. I thought since it was NASCAR it would be awesome, yet it never really excited me.
  3. K

    Kids Playing Online

    I think it depends on the kid and his/her maturity level. I started playing games online when I was like 12, but I knew better than to talk to anyone "sketchy" or give out any personal information, so I never had an issue. Other kids, however, may not know boundaries since online gaming is new...
  4. K

    What Do You Do With Your Old Consoles?

    I keep mine, typically because I don't want to just throw them out yet I don't want to get $4 for my N64 at Gamestop, so I really don't know what else to do.
  5. K

    Game Fly

    That's what happened to me too. I didnt want to return it - they should let people keep them longer or find a different method to charge for games.
  6. K

    Where all the Game Of Thrones fans at!?

    I am not a huge fan of it because I am not really into fantasy/drama (I prefer comedy) but there sure are a lot of people who are really into it!
  7. K

    Paid games

    Currently, I won't spend any money. They would need to come out with an amazing mobile game that has seriously great reviews and a lot of different tracks and features and characters so I wouldn't get bored. I would hate paying $10 for a game and getting bored with it after a week.
  8. K

    RIP Robin WIlliams

    Such a tragedy! I never thought he was as hilarious as other people think, but he was entertaining and joyful nonetheless. So much talent!
  9. K

    The Luigi death glare.

    I love it! I think it was smart on developer's part to make Luigi the one with the death glare. He has always been a prominent character and making him like this just increased the love for him.
  10. K

    Gran Turismo 6 Do you get bored after a while?

    Yes, and I think all games can get boring. I tend to switch off enough so I don't really get bored too often.
  11. K

    Already waiting for GTA VI?

    As always, I am excited for it to come out, but I am fine with GTA V right now. Also, if they come out with GTA VI really soon it might not be that great considering they may have spent too little time on it. I think gamers are currently content with GTA IV and V and developers should take more...
  12. K

    New DriveClub Trailer

    Same. The trailer does look pretty sweet, but I hope the rest of the game can match it. Sometimes they make trailers great but the game overall can't compare.
  13. K

    Do you play solo or with friends?

    It depends. I like to set records when playing by myself but also like to give my friends crap when we play together, lol. I guess it depends on the day for me.
  14. K

    The Crew Do you wish that The Crew was a single player game?

    I would prefer having a single player option for offline play. Of course I wouldn't use it that often, but it would be nice to have available.
  15. K

    Mercedes-Benz DLC Comes To Mario Kart 8

    I love Mario, and I love Mercedes Benz's, but I don't really agree with them being together. Oh well. As someone else said, Nintendo will do anything that makes them money.
  16. K

    Post your favorite GTA related gif

    I like that one! Thanks for sharing!
  17. K

    Robbing stores?

    I used to do it a lot but haven't in a long time. It got repetitive so I got tired of it, but maybe I'll do it again for old time's sake :D
  18. K

    The Crew The Crew is Also Coming to 360

    Great! Thank you for sharing the good news!!
  19. K

    tablet racing app

    Exactly what I was going to say. I don't think there are currently any other games that can really compare to the maps in Asphalt.
  20. K

    Why Robin Williams Will Be Remembered

    He was really good - a funny man. I will have to watch Good Will Hunting. Thank you for the recommendation!