Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. ddrmario123

    What was the last mobile game you played? and do you still play it currently?

    I've been playing The Lord of the Rings: The Hobbit. It's this city building game that also includes a map to invade other territories or other people's city. I'm currently still playing it and it's pretty fun. I've spent weeks playing this game so far and there's always giveaways for this game...
  2. ddrmario123

    Your Favorite Controller

    My favorite controller would also be the Gamecube. It just felt like it fit my hand and everything was so easily accessible. I didn't have any other consoles at the time like the Xbox or the Playstation, so I can't really compare how they are. But I guess after hours of Smash Bros., you just get...
  3. ddrmario123

    Do you play a game with bad graphics?

    Graphics is pretty big to me. I can't even watch old movies anymore because I think the quality is low, even if it was a great movie or a movie I used to like. With all the new updated graphics that I'm used to presently, it's like I can never go back. Even playing Gamecube games from the...
  4. ddrmario123

    Overrated mobile games?

    I want to throw in Candy Crush as one of the games that got pretty overrated. It wasn't that fun after a while because you'd just get stuck on a level for like weeks. Also, anyone here try Temple Run? I could never get into that game, but everyone seemed to talk about it and how they got super...
  5. ddrmario123

    Plants Vs. Zombies 2

    I've got Plants Vs. Zombies 2 too. It doesn't seem too different as of right now in the beginning stages, feels similar to the first version, which I have played. I played the first one all the way through, it was VERY fun. Anyways, the zombies seem to have a different walking animation which...
  6. ddrmario123

    Favourite game for GBA?

    My favorite GBA game was The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. I've always been a good fan of the Zelda series. This game was a big update from the Gameboy Color Zelda game I played. It had so many new features as well as new puzzles and weapons. I love the handheld Zelda games. There were also...
  7. ddrmario123

    Pokemon X and Y - what's the difference?

    The only difference between X and Y are the type of Pokemon you can get in each. There are version exclusive Pokemon in each one. Also, the newest difference for this generation is that the mega evolutions are also different. If you look at my avatar that is the Pokemon X version evolution for...
  8. ddrmario123

    Best PC Exclusives Of All Time

    I agree with many of the people above, that MOBA games like LoL or Dota 2 are one of the best PC exclusive games out there. The need for a lot of controls is what makes it almost impossible to port onto a console. Also, a lot of MMORPGs are impossible to port onto the console but are also really...
  9. ddrmario123

    First PC racing game you ever played

    The first PC racing game I played was Need for Speed: Online. I was looking for an MMO about racing for quite some time and I've always been a fan of the Need for Speed series. Sure enough, this game was just as fun as I had imagined it. It's not too old of a game so the graphics are pretty...
  10. ddrmario123

    What was the first racing game you remember playing?

    The first racing game I played was Mario Kart for the Nintendo DS. It was pretty fun because I got to race a lot of my friends. There were also a lot of courses and routes to play in. I loved the idea of having those little mini-games too, so the game doesn't just focus solely on racing. Also...
  11. ddrmario123

    Which Mario cart?

    My favorite Mario Kart would be the one for the Nintendo DS. It had local multiplayer support which means you could play with your friends all in the same room. In fact, you could play with about seven other people together. Also, there was the DS download play involved, which means even if your...
  12. ddrmario123

    Sonic and Allstars Racing Transformed anyone?

    Does anyone play this game? I bought it on Steam the other day on sale. I thought it was pretty fun for a childish racing game. It plays similar to Mario Kart, except it goes through multiple terrains like water or flying in the air. I also enjoyed the Mario Kart series very much and wanted to...