Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. J

    Will this game make you buy a Wii U?

    I bought a Wii U on launch day, and while it did cost a lot, I'm thoroughly glad that I did. It hasn't had the best of starts, but I've had a number of solid games that justify my purchase in my eyes. Obviously, not many people have bought it yet, but I know a lot of people are waiting for the...
  2. J

    Gran Turismo 6 Entry Point to Series

    I started out on Gran Turismo 3. It was one of the first games I got for the PS2, and I think I got it at the same time as the console. You've got to bear in mind that until we got a PS2, my brother and I didn't have any consoles other than the Sega Mega Drive that my dad got just before I was...
  3. J

    Have You Heard Of OUYA?

    If I was in a slightly different financial situation at the time, I'd have probably backed their kickstarter. I want to make games one day, even if just as a hobby, and it seemed like the perfect platform to do so. Android and iOS games tend to be limited in terms of control, so OUYA could have...
  4. J

    Do you care about the story?

    I play games for gameplay, but I carry on playing games for the story. Games need some sort of reason to come back to them. A lot of games aren't story driven, but they have other things going for them - online leaderboards and high scores, sandbox-style exploration, or social multiplayer...
  5. J

    Do you play a game with bad graphics?

    Graphics are important, but it's amongst the last things I'll take into consideration. First and foremost, a game has to be fun. I can appreciate good graphics, but I can't enjoy them; I can enjoy good gameplay as well as appreciate it. It can break the immersion of a game if the graphics are...
  6. J

    Will this come out for the 3DS and 2DS at some point?

    Nope, I doubt very much that we'll see MK8 for 3DS (FYI, the 2DS and 3DS are different versions of the same console, much like the Xbox 360 and 360 slim - you can play all the same games on both of them, albeit without 3D capabilities on the 2DS). It's odd that Nintendo opted for numbered titles...
  7. J

    Other genres that interest you?

    Big RPG fan - Final Fantasy, the 'Tales of' series, and Pokemon in particular - but I've also gotten into Awesomenauts recently; it's a 2D platformer-styled MOBA, similar vein to Dota and LoL. Much more accessible, which is nice (I tried Dota a few times and just couldn't get the hang of it).
  8. J

    Pokemon X and Y - what's the difference?

    Well, assuming you've played any of them before, you'll know that there's a different set of exclusive Pokemon in either game. So, if you want to "catch 'em all", you've got to trade with friends that have the other version. As far as I know, the reason for doing this was to promote playing...
  9. J

    Your Favorite Controller

    I've always been a fan of Nintendo's controllers. The GameCube is the single most comfortable controller I've ever used, and while I like that they change things up with each new console, I'm also disappointed that they didn't further the GameCube design. After that though, it's a close call...
  10. J

    Release It - So I can buy it!

    They aren't giving up, far from it. From what I've seen, and going on reviews from the few people that have actually had a chance to play it, Mario Kart 8 seems to be shaping up quite nicely. As for the Wii U, bear in mind that the 3DS was suffering the same slow start that the Wii U is. Right...
  11. J

    Which Mario cart?

    Probably Mario Kart: Double Dash. It was amongst the first GameCube games I bought, and other than for Super Smash Bros. Melee and Mario Power Tennis, it was rarely taken out of the console for a long time. Being able to team up was good fun - my friends and I liked to hold small tournaments...