Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Search results

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. chartedlife

    Whatever Happened To Arcade Games

    I think (as fun as they were) arcades are simply a dead concept. They are too expensive and an inconvenience to play nowadays when you can simply buy a console/PC and a game and actually own the experience being able to play as many times as you would like. Unless arcades change the way they...
  2. chartedlife

    Best PC Exclusives Of All Time

    I think any MOBA, RTS, FPS, and Valve game are the best on PC. FPS's are terrible on console with very limited controls that also completely disallow any sort of RTS or MOBA game.
  3. chartedlife

    PC Games That Got You Addicted

    I've been addicted to a lot of PC games, namely Starcraft II, Minecraft, and Team Fortress 2. Minecraft being the worst, if they actually counted the hours I am sure it could be up into the thousands.
  4. chartedlife

    Project CARS

    Is anyone excited for Project CARS? I think it will be a great sim hopefully contending with the Forza/Gran Turismo market. It will finally be a proper racing game for the PC and has amazing graphics to boot. What are your opinions?