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  1. Rocketman

    Old Racing Games You Would Reboot

    I don't even know if that would work. The only reason I played the game in the first place was because it came bundled with my Windows 98. I don't think it really stands out that much on its own.
  2. Rocketman

    How Many Consoles Have You Owned?

    None. Someone lent me a NES when I was a kid but I've been PC all the way since 1997. I also have an iPod touch but I don't know if that counts
  3. Rocketman

    Old Racing Games You Would Reboot

    Maybe, but I don't think it was ever popular enough for that to really work. I haven't met that many people who have even played the game.
  4. Rocketman

    Overrated mobile games?

    Candy Crush is so crappy. The graphics and style are just so low budget looking. If Bejewelled was raking in that much cash, I wouldn't be too surprised because Bejewelled actually looks like it has production value
  5. Rocketman

    Highest amount you have paid for a game

    Well to me, it was kind of like paying a bit more to know you're getting a good product. There's plenty of other JRPG style games on iOS and most of them are crap. The reviews are often deceptive because 1. People have lower standards for mobile games and 2. The games will often give you some in...
  6. Rocketman

    Would you rather be 4'5" or 7'7"?

    So they can get a role in Lord of the Rings movies!
  7. Rocketman

    Highest amount you have paid for a game

    I only know that FFIV was an actual port from the DS version. I don't know about the rest. I think they just redid the sprites/made them 3D, especially for 1 and 2. I haven't played them on handhelds but they were pretty good, I didn't have any problems and the controls worked really well with...
  8. Rocketman

    Like it or hate it?

    Mobile games aren't really quality for me, but they are cheap, and they are convenient. I can always carry an iPod around in my pocket, but I can't say the same for something like a DS. For certain types of games like tower defense, I think they're best played with a touch screen.
  9. Rocketman

    Will Nintendo ever lose its place as king of portable gaming?

    I don't think that Nintendo is going to get beat anytime soon in terms of portable consoles. However, I think that they're losing a lot of profit due to mobile gaming, which is cheaper, more casual friendly, and accessible.
  10. Rocketman

    Whatever Happened To Arcade Games

    I'm thinking that there are certain types of games, like Street Fighter IV that would still be somewhat popular on strategically placed arcade machines. I don't think the facilities are really sustainable by themselves outside of Japan anymore though
  11. Rocketman

    If you could make a racing game..

    I wold probably just do set races. Open world is fun for games like GTA, but sometimes you just wanna race and don't want to have to drive all the way to the starting position. It's especially bad if when you lose, they don't drop you off at the beginning and you have to drive all the way back...
  12. Rocketman

    Old Racing Games You Would Reboot

    Moto Racer is where the nostalgia hits me. It had pretty neat settings and music. I think it would be a nice change of pace although I don't see it being successful
  13. Rocketman


    I'm a 90s kid so I like Seinfeld and Friends. I absolutely hate laugh tracks though. They make sitcoms really annoying to watch for me.
  14. Rocketman

    Would you rather be 4'5" or 7'7"?

    I'd rather be 7'7. I read that if you're over 7 feet tall, there's like a 17% chance that you've played in the NBA. 7'7 is definitely in the tall end of that spectrum so I could be making some mad cash!
  15. Rocketman

    Overrated mobile games?

    I was pissed when I found out what a crap game it was, and that was well before they made it free. It's only a dollar, not really a big deal if I take how expensive retail games are for consoles into account. At least I didn't drop 60 bucks on Duke Nukem Forever or something
  16. Rocketman

    Highest amount you have paid for a game

    I had a lot of disposable income at the time, and I was pretty desperate for some new games to play on my iPod. I'm not a huge fan of the series, but I do enjoy them. I got II and IV. I just figured since they were still 30-60 bucks on the DS, might as well get it on iOS.
  17. Rocketman

    Highest amount you have paid for a game

    I think they updated the graphics so it looked pretty nice. FFIV was also the DS version which had cutscenes and voice acting. If they didn't change anything and just did a strait port, I don't think I would have paid more than 3 bucks.
  18. Rocketman

    Overrated mobile games?

    It was a dollar when I bought it. I think they went the microtransaction route and made it free.
  19. Rocketman

    Whatever Happened To Arcade Games

    Arcades can't really work in my city. There aren't enough people living here, and most of the machines in movie theaters are old as hell. I'm talking 2D racing games and first House of the Dead old. Otherwise yeah, you don't get enough gameplay for your money. I could buy a game for a few bucks...
  20. Rocketman

    Overrated mobile games?

    Doodle Jump. It was on that recommended apps list back in the day, Big Bang Theory talked about it being addictive, and a bunch of other stuff. Played it for 5 minutes, tried to get into it, wasted my dollar.