Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Recent content by mssfgaming

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. mssfgaming

    Indie Games or Mainstream Games?

    People need to realize that games can be good, whether it has a huge production value or a not so big production value. The game all depends on whether or not the developers have any faith in the game and wants it to succeed. The gamer has to note the effort and sweat in took to make the game...
  2. mssfgaming

    Horror Games These Days?

    In my opinion, there’s a reason why horror games these days are just plain bad, because they focus way too much on graphics and gameplay instead of story. A lot of people may not understand but story is what drives people’s emotion. Sure, graphics are great. It’s hard to see The Last of Us with...
  3. mssfgaming

    Rocket League Sells One Million Copies

    This game is a sleeper hit in my opinion. It didn't really gain any traction with it's marketing, the concept sounds amazingly fun but also stupid and it could've ended up being just a really good concept with terrible execution. The thing is though, it ended up being very well done. The...
  4. mssfgaming

    Tom Cruise

    True, I also understand how you think. There are some movies that just advertise the stars that are in the movie and then never really get into the plot. Even though, I thought American Hustle was great, seeing the commercials were just weird. Obviously, the movie has an all star cast containing...
  5. mssfgaming

    John Green | Books into Film

    To be fair, I actually like John Green. I really do enjoy his books. In fact, I really did enjoy his book Looking for Alaska. The book was a great coming of age novel with great dialogue and enjoyable characters. The Fault In Our Stars was also a good book, wouldn’t say John Green at his best...
  6. mssfgaming

    Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens (635 Million Dollars Estimated?!)

    Like my other post, this is about a movie but about probably the best or probably the most anticipated movie of the year, which is Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens. Part of the huge anticipation is the mystery that’s shrouding the movie itself. We got the teaser trailer and we have the official...
  7. mssfgaming

    Jurassic World (Fastest movie to hit one billion dollars)

    I was so surprised to find out that Jurassic World is the fastest movie to ever reach one billion dollars. It took 13 days to reach that milestone. I was very shocked to hear that, THAT movie hit one billion the fastest. Other movies like Avatar or even Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part...
  8. mssfgaming

    E-Sports can be considered an actual sport?

    E-sports has been growing for quite a while now, so I wanted to ask some of the members of this forum, do you think this aspect of “sports” can be considered legitimate at this point? I mean, the money is there. 17.8 million dollars spent on the prize pool of this year’s International Dota 2 is...
  9. mssfgaming

    Drug Testing in E-Sports?

    To some people who focus on e-sports like I do, you may have heard about some controversy concerning Adderall. It’s a medication that people with ADHD take to focus better rather than being distracted because of their disorder. I follow Counter-Strike and its professional aspect of the game...
  10. mssfgaming

    Thoughts on EDM not being a legitimate genre of music?

    People seem to bash EDM as not an actual genre of music, which I find to be sort of sad. To me, music is music, and it seems to be about opinion rather than actual quality of the song. People can say songs like Miley Cyrus can be stated as artificial pop and not noteworthy music. People can also...
  11. mssfgaming

    How much do you spend on games in a year?

    I used to pirate some video games that I thought weren't that good and then ended up buying them in the end, just because I wanted to support the developers. Something like Hotline Miami was a trial for me and near the end, I decided that this was a wonderfully crafted indie game so I bought it...
  12. mssfgaming

    Your Favorite Actor?

    Yeah, Tom Hardy really is getting good with his acting recently. I've always been a fan of him since I saw Inception, where he played his charming sort of sarcastic suave sort of character. He played his character very well, but I thought nothing of it. And then I saw him in more and more movies...
  13. mssfgaming

    Tom Cruise

    True, I understand that line of thinking. Some of his roles like Oblivion is just too generic and nothing really that people would take note of or would care really much. I'd like to think that his movies like Edge of Tomorrow and Mission Impossible are in the high end of the spectrum of the...
  14. mssfgaming

    does anyone still watch simpsons?

    Like a lot of cartoons in the past, they run out of steam when it comes to shows like Simpsons, Spongebob etc. To me, the best televisions shows are the ones that last for the time that it needs to be perfected. Some animated television shows like Adventure Time is still hitting their stride...
  15. mssfgaming

    Do you play Hearthstone?

    For sure, the mobile aspect of the game is a huge factor on why this game is addicting. Most of my friends who play Hearthstone do so on the computer, just because it gives a more legit gaming experience rather than on the phone or tablet but obviously mobile gaming is a big part of the game as...