Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Recent content by Aurelia

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. A

    Going Back to Old Games?

    Yes, I do. Whenever I play these old games, I am back in time. These games made my childhood. It's simply who I am. I know that a lot of people feel this way and I understand completely. There are those games that never leave you, no matter how old you get. NFS MW is definitely one of them, even...
  2. A

    NFS Oldies - Which One is Your Favourite?

    Well, a lot of people are playing the newer games now, but the fact remains that a lot of us played older ones too - and we enjoyed them. When it comes to me, I can't really decide which one is my favourite. I am always wavering in between Underground I and II. It's probably because...
  3. A

    Avatar bug?

    I have also experienced the problems with avatar. I'd tried uploading various sizes too. I began with a normal photo and came to 160x160 pixels - still doesn't work. Apparently, it supports JPEG format, so I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I don't receive these numerous errors, though. They...
  4. A

    All Future Forza Games Will Be Released For PC As Well As XBox

    I must admit that I have been waiting for this to happen for awhile now and I agree with the statements of many members here: it's about time. For someone who plays almost exclusively on PC (my friend has got Xbox, but I rarely visit), I have been anxious about this. Whenever I saw a trailer...
  5. A

    Going Back to Old Games?

    A few months ago, someone asked me which games were my favourite, and considering that I'd been playing various PC games since 2000, I had quite a long list. When I mentioned that I'd enjoyed NFS Underground 1 and 2, people were surprised, especially because I remember these two so well. I'd...
  6. A

    Any good racing game apps out there?

    Well, you might enjoy Asphalt. Although, I must admit that many racing games are better on computer and gaming consoles. Mobiles are just... limited. I'd tried out quite a few games, but I never played them for long. I usually lost interest in them pretty quickly. I'd kept one of the NFS games...
  7. A

    Betraying Its Name, Need For Speed Decides To Wait A Year

    I agree with this, completely. I must admit, though, that I was upset because I really like all NFS games and I was very excited about it, but this way I at least know that the game will be much better. I would rather play a delayed but improved game than a faulty one. Two years is a long period...
  8. A

    You know what would be a crazy idea? A driving game based on...

    This is quite an interesting idea. I'd actually never considered it, but I can see that it would be very popular. Something like this would definitely be a great game, considering that it would be appealing to two groups of people, those who like Marvel characters and those who like racing...
  9. A

    System Requirements Released for The Crew

    My PC is well within the system requirements, but certainly not in the optimal zone. I guess I need upgrades, a lot of them. I don't like Windows 8, though. Somehow it just doesn't work for me. I am going to stick to 7 for the time being and hope that everything is going to work out. It...
  10. A

    Top 30 List

    Here it is : Well, I have found a ''Top 30'' list of Racing Games and this one was on 19th place. This reminded me of all those hours I had spent playing this game. One whole summer I was obsessed with building the tracks. I...
  11. A

    Sims 4

    Well, just interested in your opinions. I had been waiting for this game for so long and now that I have tried it, I am very disappointed. They have added the emotions, yes, but I don't see the point. It doesn't make anything more interesting. For example, if you're (your Sim, obviously) focused...
  12. A

    The Crew The Crew REMOVED from Steam

    Really? Wow. I haven't checked it out yet, but now I certainly must. It's back on Steam? This is amazing news! You've just made my day. I can't believe it. I'll get to play it after all (lately I only play games which I can buy on Steam). I can't wait.
  13. A

    Can you play a music instrument?

    That's so beautiful. My grandma had tried to encourage me when I was little, and she would have loved if I'd gone to the music school, but the rest of the family weren't so supportive. As a result, I hadn't gone and I regret that - I believe I will regret it for the rest of my life. Having a...
  14. A

    whats on your to watch list?

    Sure do. It's one of the most popular shows nowadays. Everyone's talking about it. Somehow it has become ''important''. I guess you can't form an opinion about it if you've not yet watched it, but I hope you'll like it. I did. It was very interesting. I liked it the most because of the...
  15. A

    Do you believe in the Ouija Board?

    So, you are on the safe side too. Being rational is very important when it comes to ''touchy issues'' such as this one, especially if you come from a society which tends to be superficial. You are influenced by it whether you want to or not. I too believe in God, but there is no unitary...